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What Are Showerhead Water Heaters?

Showerhead water heaters electrically heat the water to a comfortable bathing temperature as it flows out of your showerhead. The most common places to find showerhead water heaters are in countries with warmer climates.

Depending on the climate where you live and the type of shower you have in mind, you might want to consider adapting this method yourself for a variety of reasons. So, what are the benefits and risks of using this type of fixture to heat your water, and how can you get one installed?

Well, the easy answer is to look to ServiceWhale to find the right contractor for you, at the right price. In terms of finding out how they work, read on to find out!

You’ll Save on Cost

Most of the time, if a showerhead water heater is used in a warm climate, a hot water tank isn’t even necessary. Naturally, this saves energy and cost on utility bills.

But in slightly cooler climates, you might not want to lower the temperature on your hot water tank heater so much that washing your hands becomes the least favorite part of your day. Don’t worry, you won’t have to…a showerhead water heater can still be useful because a major reason we keep our hot water temperature so high is so that we can enjoy long, hot showers.

Consequently, if you do choose to use a showerhead water heater, you won’t have to keep your water as hot as you usually do for other uses like laundry, washing dishes (or running the dishwasher), filling a mop bucket, cooking, or hand washing.

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You’ll Save Energy

A pleasant shower temperature is generally slightly warmer than one’s body temperature—between 100 and 108 degrees. Because other household tasks do not require such a high heat of water, if you live in a slightly cooler climate, a showerhead water heater means you can lower the temperature of your hot water tank heater to save energy. You’ll protect the environment and make your home greener.

At ServiceWhale, being a green company is key, so if this is something important to you, rest assured that the contractors you will find with our service will all be green-minded as well!


What if I Live in a Very Cool Climate?

If winter temperatures get very low where you live, a showerhead water heater might not be the right option for your home. Does your tap water get down to the mid-forties or lower in the cold months?

Most electric showerheads are unable to heat these temperatures adequately.

If you’re willing to face the discomfort, you’re not alone: Many countries with cool winters only have hot water for showering because energy costs are so high. But if you can’t let go of your steaming showers, consider this type of fixture in a summer home.


You Might Have Difficulty Controlling the Temperature

Showerhead water heaters can be very sensitive. Sometimes, it takes longer for them to heat the water up one day than they did the day before.

They likely will have sensors to prevent the water from burning you, but you will likely still struggle to get a consistent water temperature with each shower.


Are They Safe?

The sensors make showerhead water heaters safe while you are in the shower. However, because they are electric, it’s important that they are installed correctly. Speak to an expert at ServiceWhale before deciding on whether a shower head water heater is right for you and moving forward with your installation.


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