What Are the Best Shower Floor Tiles?
When you are envisioning your ideal existing home remodel or dreaming about purchasing a new home, you probably will find yourself thinking about a lot of different aspects of the house, from the landscaping to the furniture to available lighting. What might fly under the radar, however, are the tiles on your shower floor, which are very important considering how often you hopefully find yourself in the bathroom. Investing in the best shower floor tiles is therefore a key decision you will have to make, but there are a few things you need to consider before choosing.
The team at ServiceWhale would like to assist you throughout this evaluation, and we hope that this brief guide will help you determine the right tiles for your shower floor.
Function of Shower Floor Tiles
Shower floor tiles typically function in two ways: as an aesthetic complement or as extra protection against moisture. The latter responsibility is something you need to look for regardless of the style of tile, and provided your shower floor tiles maintain the structural integrity of your bathroom, you are in the clear. Otherwise, selecting the right looking tile is a matter of personal preference. Everyone wants a bold new bathroom, but whatever you pick should fit your own personal tastes of course.
Think About the Cost
You should start with a budget in mind when planning your next bathroom remodel. When it comes to shower floor tiles in particular, there are some options that just might not be possible. This includes glass and marble, which can sometimes get quite expensive to install. As a compromise, you may want to opt out for more affordable tiling like ceramic while using the more expensive kinds as accents.
Make Sure the Tiles are Water- and Slip-Resistant
A fact that many people seem to forget regarding shower floor tiles is that they need to be water-and slip-resistant. Otherwise, however nice the shower looks, it will be a glorified disaster waiting to happen. As such, you should look for glazed tiles that do not absorb moisture or promote mold growth.
Choose Colors to Fit Your Design
The best shower floor tiles are ones that keep you safe and ultimately fit your design, which can change depending on resources. ServiceWhale would recommend brainstorming with one of our contractors to come up with some good design options, though for the most part you may want to go for a more timeless look in your tiles to aid in a potential home resale down the line.
Contact ServiceWhale Today!
Trying to find the best shower floor tiles can be difficult considering how much of the process is subjective. Provided that you are selecting water- and slip-resistant tiles that can protect against moisture damage, the actual style is totally up to you, though budgetary restraints might disqualify some types.
In order to learn more about other potential floor tile options or to find out about other possible bathroom remodeling ideas, contact a representative at ServiceWhale today to see how we can help. Our contractors have tons of experience handling home improvement projects, and we want to share this wealth of information with you.
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