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What size heater do I need for my home?

Here is the easiest way to find out the size or capacity of your existing heating system:

  • Go to your indoor unit (furnace) that looks like this:
  • Find and take a picture of the label that looks like this:
  • Look for Input BTU number — that is heating capacity of your system (in the example above it is 70,000 BTU).
  • If you do not see Input BTU number, find one of the following codes in the model number — it will tell you what the capacity is:
    If you see this… …then your capacity is this
    040 or 40 40,000 BTU
    045 or 45 45,000 BTU
    054 or 54 54,000 BTU
    060 or 60 60,000 BTU
    070 or 70 70,000 BTU
    072 or 72 72,000 BTU
    075 or 75 75,000 BTU
    080 or 80 80,000 BTU
    090 or 90 90,000 BTU
    100 100,000 BTU
    120 120,000 BTU
as you know...
On average, it takes homeowners up to 30 hours just to get 3 different quotes on a home improvement project. On ServiceWhale, it takes about 2 minutes.

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