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Why You Should Upgrade Your Toilet in a Remodel

When you’re thinking about remodeling your home’s bathroom, there are a number of areas you could improve upon. You could install new tiling, modernize your shower or bath, or any other number of tasks to improve your bathroom’s look. One of the best remodeling ideas, however, that is often overlooked is upgrading your bathroom’s toilet. Putting a new toilet in during your remodel can completely change your bathroom’s look and even work to save you money down the line. Read on to learn why upgrading your toilet should be a priority during your bathroom remodel, and learn how to find a bathroom remodel contractor to help with your project.


Increase Your Bathroom’s Efficiency

One of the primary reasons to upgrade your bathroom’s toilet during a remodel is improving your home’s efficiency. Modern toilets have been designed to be as efficient as possible, eliminating water waste and massively reducing your utility bills. Installing a high efficiency toilet alongside other efficient fixtures will massively increase your home’s efficiency to levels you never imagined. Not to mention the fact that high efficiency toilets often come with a sleek modern design that you’ll be sure to love. If you’re a homeowner that cares about saving money while improving your bathroom’s look, there’s no better choice than upgrading your toilet.


Improve Your Home’s Resale Value

With any home improvement project, including bathroom remodels, you want to make sure that you select items that will both update your home’s look while simultaneously increasing its re-sale value. Although you might not think it, one of the best things you can do to improve your home’s value is to install a new toilet during your bathroom remodel. Modern home buyers are always on the lookout for the most cutting edge features available, particularly in a bathroom. Installing a new toilet in your bathroom will be something you can point at to attract potential buyers when you’re looking to sell your home. Making your home enticing to potential buyers is one of the best reasons to upgrade your toilet.


Make the Toilet Low Profile and Clean Up Your Bathroom’s Look

In modern bathroom design there are two things that matter more than most: utility and attractive design. Many homeowners looking to improve their bathroom’s look have opted to go with a low profile toilet. Low profile toilets are either disguised or sectioned off from the rest of your bathroom, providing a clean look that is simply unmatched by older designs. When you’re remodeling your bathroom, you’ll have the opportunity to switch to a newer, low profile toilet, providing your bathroom with the kind of style that modern homeowners love.

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Upgrade Your Toilet with a Bathroom Remodel Contractor

Out of all the things you could do during your bathroom remodeling project, installing a new toilet is the most advantageous. A new toilet can completely change the look of your bathroom while increasing your home’s value and saving you money. However, to install your new toilet you need to hire an expert bathroom remodel contractor, and the best way to find your city’s best contractors is by signing up with ServiceWhale. ServiceWhale specializes in helping our users find their area’s top contractors at unbeatable prices, making home improvement projects easier than they’ve ever been. Learn more about ServiceWhale today and remodel your bathroom quickly and affordably.


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