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Why You Want a Pro to Paint Your Room

Painting is definitely one of the most feasible jobs for a homeowner to do themselves, given the lack of expensive tools or materials needed, but that fact does not always mean that DIY is a good idea. Some projects are better left to the pros, especially if you have a home with a high market value and you want to keep it that way.

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Spare yourself the agony, the frustration or the compromised job quality by hiring a professional for scenarios that call for an experienced touch. Here are some reasons that a pro might be right for your project:

There Are Lots of Chances for Errors

Painting may seem straightforward, but there are a lot of amateur blunders that have to be gotten out of your system over time before you can begin painting consistently and in a way that looks attractive. You could always consult pro tips, but they are often a lot to swallow and then keep in mind for later.

More often than not, you will learn from your mistakes as you go on and end up with a room where each wall looks better than the last. This can be fine if you are painting the bedroom of your five-year-old, who will complain little about its aesthetic qualities. If you are painting the den in your gorgeous historic Philadelphia rowhouse, though, that’s a different story. On top of that, you do not want to risk dripping paint on valuable carpeting, furniture, window sashes or elsewhere where removal is not a simple matter of scraping with a putty knife.

Rather than going through the trouble of learning a skill you will only break out once a decade or so, consider bringing in someone who has learned from the best and can get it done right the first time.

Material Costs Add Up

Your incentive to hire a pro will vary greatly depending on the size of the project. If you just want to repaint the walls in your 15 square foot powder room, a simple set of brushes and a gallon or two of paint can suffice. For a master bedroom, a large ceiling or several rooms at a time, you are going to have to require a lot more tools.

Extending paint roller poles, several sets of brushes and rollers, drop cloths, ladders and other tools can end up being quite pricey when put all together — and that is before the paint is even purchased. Unless you think you will be able to use the tools more often than once in a blue moon, these costs will lead to unwanted clutter in your storage and an “investment” in things you truly had little use for.

A pro comes with their own tools, including special ones that would be perfect for the unique job at hand. They will have everything they need to paint a room from ceiling to floor trim, and they can even get a cheaper price on most paints thanks to their supplier connections.

They Can Offer a Warranty on Labor and They’re Insured

Many painters can back up their work with a limited warranty. Nearly all of them will carry insurance just in case they happen to cause damage to, or an injury on, your property. You cannot say the same thing if you come crashing down off a step-stool on top of your flat-screen TV, although your homeowners insurance agent may come to love telling that story around his or her office.

In the end, a professional painting contractor will know the tricks of the trade to get the job done well along with all of the tools they require. They can handle all the prep work you did not know you would need. Even if they do make a mistake, quality painters will correct the work for free or cover the costs of any needed repairs.

So feel free to experiment on the trim in your closet or in your undiscerning toddler’s room, but when it comes to spaces that are important when entertaining guests or eventually selling the home, a professional touch is more than worth the price.

ServiceWhale can help you find the absolute best interior painting crew in the Philadelphia area with a reputation and price that perfectly suits your needs. Click here to fill out a quick project information form, and you will quickly receive real custom quotes without needing an on-site estimate.


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