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How to Maintain Your Home’s Plumbing

There are many problems that could arise in your home at any time, ranging from minor issues such as a leaky faucet to more time-sensitive crises like a broken water heater in the winter. Though not every issue is avoidable, there are steps you can take to reduce your likelihood of having plumbing problems. Here are some of the best ways to prevent plumbing problems in your home.

Discard Cooking Grease in the Garbage

 If you’re cooking something greasy (but delicious) like bacon or ground beef and have a lot of leftover fat, don’t pour it down the drain. Save it off to the side in your kitchen in some kind of bowl or other container, and throw it out in the garbage. A good idea is to pour it into an empty milk carton for disposal. This rule should be used to prevent plumbing problems even if you have a garbage disposal, as cooking grease can harden down the drain and cause damage to your plumbing.


Purchase Drain Screens

You should also consider using drain screens to protect your drains, especially if you don’t have a garbage disposal in your kitchen sink. Drain screens can be bought inexpensively and protect drains in your kitchen and bathroom sinks as well as in your bathtubs and showers from clogging by stopping larger particles that would otherwise get caught down the drain (e.g. food scraps, toothpaste caps, hair). They come in both plastic and metal.


Be Careful with Faucet Handles

 More often than not, people being too hard on their faucet handles is what causes a leaky faucet. Handles don’t need to be tightened as much as possible in order to stop water from flowing. When using your faucets, don’t crank the handles so hard—it wears down the washers, which in turn leads to a continually leaky faucet.


Keep an Eye Out for Small Leaks

 Some people choose not to deal with small leaks right away, but they can be indicative of a larger issue that you can’t sense without a plumber’s diagnosis. Prevent plumbing problems on a larger scale by having your ServiceWhale plumbing contractor fix your leaky faucet or dripping refrigerator immediately. They will inspect the plumbing in the area to see what’s causing the problem—and whether it’s likely to cause some other problem in the near future.

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Insulate Exposed Pipes

 Frozen pipes are a danger for many homeowners in the winter, particularly in areas of the northern United States. Cold winter air can get into your pipes from even the smallest areas; the best way to prevent your pipes from freezing is to insulate them. This is especially important for pipes in unheated areas of your home, such as a crawlspace or basement.

A vetted ServiceWhale contractor will be able to tackle any plumbing situation and help you prevent plumbing problems in the future. Read about how our process works, and find the best contractor for your plumbing needs today.


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