4 Must Haves for Your Bathroom Remodel
Bathrooms are generally viewed as one of the more utilitarian rooms in the home; function reigns over form with little excitement or enjoyment in planning how your bathroom looks and works. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Remodeling your bathroom can be a seriously enjoyable experience, especially when you get exactly what you want and need. When you’ve made the decision to remodel the bathroom in your Pennsylvania home, put these must-have items on your bathroom remodel list.
Ceramic Tile for the Shower
When it comes to tiling your shower during a bathroom remodel, few people even think about, let alone choose, ceramic. Ceramic tile, however, is fast becoming the best choice for people who want both function and style in their bathroom. What makes ceramic tile so great for a shower? Well, besides looking great, ceramic tile is resistant to moisture, fungi and other bacteria, making it super easy to clean your shower and keep it looking amazing.
Extra-Large Bath
Sometimes, after a hard day at work, all you want to do is take a nice, hot bath and let all your stress slip away. But some bathtubs are too small to relax comfortably in, leaving you more stressed than before you got into the tub. This is why one of the must-haves for your bathroom remodel is an extra-large bathtub. If you have the floor space and love taking baths, but hate feeling cramped, an extra-large tub is the perfect choice for you.
His and Hers Everything
For couples, sharing a bathroom can be a real struggle. From lack of counter space to arguments over the single sink, it can be a big problem. His and hers sinks and towel racks are a big must have for any couple looking at doing a bathroom remodel. By making sure that each of you has their own sink, counter space and place to keep the towels, you’re making the bathroom much more tranquil for the both of you. No more arguments, now more crowding.
An Isolated Toilet
Privacy is important in a bathroom, especially when it comes to the toilet. For those who want their toilet to be a little more private than it already is, an isolated toilet—or water closet—in the master bathroom is the perfect thing to add to your bathroom remodel. Having an isolated toilet is the ultimate in bathroom privacy, while still keeping the rest of the bathroom open for use. Once you’ve installed a water closet into your master bathroom, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without one.
Get the Service You Deserve
Choosing the exact right items for your bathroom remodel can be difficult. You want to make sure you’re getting the most out of the space for the right price while getting exactly what you want and need. If you’ve decided to remodel the bathroom in your Pennsylvania home, then ServiceWhale is the company for all your remodeling needs. ServiceWhale’s easy to use request wizard takes the hassle out of finding the right professional at the right cost so that you can always be positive that you’re getting the most for your money.
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