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5 Simple DIY Bathroom Remodel Hacks

Remodeling your bathroom is a great way to spruce up your home and give it a mini-facelift. However, the thing that prevents many homeowners from engaging in a remodel is the perceived difficulty of the job. Fortunately, remodeling your bathroom doesn’t have to costly or time consuming, and can actually be done fairly simply with the right tools at your disposal. If you’re thinking about a DIY bathroom remodel, here are five easy, fun hacks that can improve your bathroom’s appearance and save you time and money.

Refinish Current Items

One of the best ways to get the most bang for your buck is to find a new use for an old item. You can give your bathroom a vintage feel by letting the pipes be exposed and adding a copper varnish to them. In fact, refinishing your tub, toilet or sink is the perfect way to make your bathroom look redesigned without splurging on new appliances. Finding new uses or new looks for items you already possess can lower the overall cost of your remodel and give your bathroom a fresh look with minimal effort.

Start Small

If your main goal in remodeling your bathroom is an upgrade in appearance, you can actually make a few minor changes that will pay big dividends. For example, something as simple as replacing your cabinet doors can give your bathroom a completely different feel with minimal cost and effort. You should also consider doing minor cosmetic repairs, such as replacing chipped tiles or broken faucet handles, which can make your bathroom feel brand new. Although you might not believe it, just a few tweaks can make your bathroom feel like a totally different room at a fraction of the cost o

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Get Ventilated  

If you’ve had your bathroom for a long time, then it’s likely you’ve suffered a certain amount of dirt and debris build-up on your exhaust fan. Instead of replacing your old exhaust fan with a newer model, give it a deep clean. Cleaning off your exhaust fan and returning it’s original appearance can give your bathroom the pristine look that may have been missing.                                                      

Replace Your Mirror

The central feature in most bathroom is the mirror, which both acts as one of the rooms most important tools and is often the first thing you notice when entering the room. A great way to freshen your bathroom’s aesthetic is to install a completely new mirror. Installing a new mirror, particularly a counter long model, can make your bathroom feel completely new and open up the space to a degree you may not have considered possible.

Change the Lighting

More than any other feature, lighting controls the mood and ambiance in any room. Updating the lighting fixtures in your bathroom can set the tone for the entire room. Whether you want to brighten up your bathroom or increase it’s warmness, lighting is the simple solution for making over this important space. Try purchasing adjustable lighting fixtures or accent lights to illuminate the space. You can even turn the sink into a vanity by purchasing vanity lights to go around the mirror.


With a few simple adjustments, you can engage in a DIY bathroom remodel that can massively increase your bathroom’s appearance and utility. Even the most minor updates can turn your bathroom from bland to exciting. With a few design hacks at your disposal, or advice from an expert contractor, you can easily and affordably update your bathroom.


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