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5 Things You Need to Know about Eco-Friendly Roofs

“Going green” and being environmentally friendly is all the rage these days, and that’s a great thing. The more we can do to take care of our planet and reduce our own carbon footprint, the better our overall habitat will be. By taking care of the earth, we’re taking care of ourselves! Did you know there are even possibilities now for eco-friendly roofing jobs? Many homeowners are just discovering this possibility. Read these six facts about eco-friendly roofs, so when the time comes for your New York remodel job, you make the best decision possible.

Eco-Friendly Roofs

Eco-friendly roofs are just starting to make a splash in New York and across the nation. These are sturdy roofing materials that hold up against the elements while being good for the environment; they can be a great option for those who are looking to repair or replace the roof on their home. Your ServiceWhale roofer can guide you through all the options available to you.

Green Roofs Absorb Water

A green roof, quite simply, is a roof that has grass and plants growing on it! This kind of roof is very good for your New York home for a number of reasons, particularly because it absorbs up to 80% of the rainwater that falls on the home and reduces gutter overflow.

Extend the Life of Your Roof

Green roofs cover and protect your roofing material by keeping it from drying and cracking while also insulating it against the elements, from rain to wind and freezing conditions. This protection and insulation can actually double the life of your roof!

Absorb Sunlight

New York green roofs soak up the rays of the sun. They insulate your home against the heat of the summer and lower the temperature inside by anywhere from 5-10 degrees, in turn significantly lowering your utility bills. In the winter, the green material acts as an insulator, helping to reduce heat loss and keep your home warmer while also lowering those winter bills.

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Live the Quiet Life

Green space on your roof doesn’t only insulate from heat and cold, but it insulates against sound as well. This natural sound barrier can keep your house almost eight decibels quieter inside, allowing you to relax even when planes, trucks and sirens go past outside.

Improved Air Quality

Most people know that greenery helps to clear the air. It absorbs carbon dioxide and emits oxygen, acting as a natural air filter which can not only improve the quality of the air inside your home but also help your entire neighborhood to breathe easier with fresh air!

Green roofs are just starting to catch on, and many New York homeowners wonder how to get started on this process. ServiceWhale can help you find the perfect roofer who is knowledgeable in this area and can walk you through the whole process. Read just how easy it can be to find a roofer through us, and get in touch to get started today!


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