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Do Economy Settings on Appliances Save You Money?

In today’s economy, even as things continue to improve, people are learning more than ever to be frugal about their expenses. This goes for everything from grocery shopping to electric bills. People are beginning to discover economy settings on many of their appliances and are using them to lower those monthly costs. Take some time to read over whether or not economy settings on appliances in your Pennsylvania home really save you money.

Economy Settings on Appliances

Over the past several years, more appliances than ever are carrying the Energy Star seal of approval. This mark indicates that the appliance you are using is environmentally friendly and will cut down on the overall use of natural resources. The idea is that economy settings on appliances save not just energy but the money in your bank account as well.

However, it is important to remember that the Energy Star seal and the economy setting are two different things. As any ServiceWhale professional can tell you, almost every model of washer, dryer, water heater, dishwasher, refrigerator and other certified appliance you choose for your Pennsylvania home also has an “extra” economy setting that supposedly saves even more on energy use.

Decreased Energy, Decreased Performance

The down side to these economy settings is that in order to decrease on energy use, they also often decrease performance. It can sometimes happen that when you press that “Eco Setting” button, your dishes come out with dirt still on them. Your clothes may not be quite as clean. The fridge might not be as cold. If you have to turn down the temperature on the fridge or re-wash your clothes or dishes, you may not be saving money or energy after all.

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Educated Shopping

In the end, the best way to make sure that you’re getting the most out of the appliances you choose for your Pennsylvania remodeling job is to do your homework. The more educated you are about your shopping, the better you’ll be when you choose an appliance.

Always go beyond the Energy Star label. Read customer reviews of products. Compare them to other similar products. Make sure that what they deliver is what you need. Otherwise, you could not only end up with an appliance that you need to use multiple times, but you could end up with one you need to replace in a few months.

Usage and Savings

Your own usage habits play a huge role in how much energy and money you save as well. Are you overloading the washer in an effort to do fewer loads? You might end up with a similar problem when your clothes or dishes don’t come out as clean!

If you would like help choosing appliances for your Pennsylvania home remodeling project, ServiceWhale is here to help. Read over our fast and simple process for finding an ideal home improvement professional, and give us a call to get started today!


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