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Want to Change the Look of Your Tile at Low Cost? Change the Grout Color

Over time, it’s possible that you’ll become bored by the appearance of your home’s tiling, which is when many homeowners start thinking about replacement. Unfortunately, replacing old tiling is an expensive and time consuming job, which can prevent you from updating your home the way that you want. If you want to change the aesthetic of your home’s tiling but don’t want to pay for a full-scale replacement, your best solution is to change your grout color.

Changing your tile grout is the simple way to completely transform the look of your tile, making it a great choice for style conscious homeowners everywhere. Learn a few of the benefits of changing your grout color and find out how this simple operation can give your home the new look you want.

Laying Grout is Cheaper

Just because you want to give your home a new look, it doesn’t mean that you should have to pay for exorbitant tile replacement costs.

Did you know, for example, that depending on the ceramic tile you choose, you could end up paying between $188 and $1503 for 120 square feet of material ($1.56 to $12.5 per sq.ft)? That might only be enough tiling for one room, so you can imagine how expensive a replacement can end up being. If you’re thinking about making over your tile but are working with a budget, changing the tile grout is the inexpensive option that pays big dividends.

With tile replacement, there is the cost of removing your old tile ($287.91 to $675.87), purchasing new tile and possibly paying for an installation expert, which can cost between $243 and $843 for 120 square feet.

Coloring grout, on the other hand, is very low cost with a price range of $130 to $316 dollars, requiring only that you purchase your new grout and whatever tools you need to apply it. By investing a few dollars, you can change your grout color and give the tiling in your home a completely new look that you’ll be sure to love.

Get a New Look in a Fraction of the Time

For many homeowners, one of the biggest obstacles in home renovation is finding the spare time to complete the project, which is particularly difficult for a tile replacement. Replacing tile is both extremely time consuming and very disruptive to your everyday life, making it a poor choice for busy homes.

Fortunately, when you’re looking to transform your home in a short time frame, coloring your tile grout is the perfect solution. Depending on the extent of the grout you’re planning on coloring, this improvement project can be completed in a very short period of a time, usually in as little as day. With a little bit of time, you can give the tile in your home the eye-popping style that you deserve.

as you know...
On average, it takes homeowners up to 30 hours just to get 3 different quotes on a home improvement project. On ServiceWhale, it takes about 2 minutes.

Variety is the Spice of Life

In any home improvement project, variety is the key in getting the look that you want. One of the best reasons to change your tile grout instead of replacing the tile itself is that grout can be had in almost any color imaginable. For design purposes, this means that you can give your home a bold, fresh look that you’d be hard pressed to recreate any other way.

Another benefit of having access to different grout colors is that you don’t have to settle for a uniform look throughout your home. Try one color in your bathroom and then another in your kitchen to give your home a unique appearance that fits your tastes.

Change Grout Color for a Big Transformation

Your clear choice when you’re looking to transform your home in the quickest, most cost-effective manner possible is to update your grout. Change your grout color as soon as possible and you’ll be able to give your home an enticing new look that can’t be beat.


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