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Best Bathroom Storage Solutions

Storage is an issue for many people in their bathrooms. Few of us can afford to have our bathroom in a huge, cavernous space with all the climate-controlled storage we need. For the rest of us, it’s important to get creative and think outside the box when it comes to storage solutions in our bathroom following a dream remodeling job. Here are some of the best solutions for storage in your Pennsylvania bathroom after your ServiceWhale remodel is complete.

Bathroom Storage – On and Up

One of the best ways to create extra bathroom storage in your PA room is to hang shelves. You can take your storage vertical, creating extra space where before there was none, in this fashion. Your qualified ServiceWhale contractor can even advise you on the best way to make use of the space you have by hanging shelves in the most advantageous spaces.

Inverted shelves are another possibility. Hanging shelves upside down actually provides a really neat look that creates a “frame” or border around the shelves that looks really stylish and clever. When you’re trying to save space on your bathroom renovations, shelving is a great way to go. Other creative options include spice racks and hanging baskets! Finally, for those items you don’t use that often, a high shelf right over the door is a perfect solution.

Keep it Secret and Safe

Hidden storage solutions are a great way to add space without cluttering up the room. Hiding a recessed cabinet behind a mirror in your Pennsylvania bathroom, for example, is an excellent way to create tons of storage as well as make the best use of your space, especially if you’re on a budget. This sort of effort is easy, unique and fun as well as practical.

Organize Under the Sink

Do you have a cabinet under your sink? If not, and there’s room, you might consider it. Then make the best possible use of organizers and shelving within the cabinet so that you can maximize the available space. Sliding drawers or stackable bins are an excellent option for making the most of your under-the-sink space.

Creative uses of shower caddies are another great way to make use of the space under your sink. You use them to organize in the bathtub; why not use them for your toiletries and cleaning products outside the tub as well?

Magnetic Strips

Magnetic strips are easy to get hold of and are very inexpensive. You can find them at most craft stores throughout Pennsylvania. What’s best about them is you can adhere them to your wall above the sink and use them to store razors, scissors, tweezers, bobby pins, files and any other metal tool or accessory you might have.

When the time comes to renovate your Pennsylvania Bathroom, a qualified ServiceWhale contractor can help you plan the best use of space from placing your furniture to the ideal storage. Take some time to read about how ServiceWhale works, and give us a call for answers to all of your questions today!


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