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Choose the Right Carpet to Increase Your Home’s Value

As a homeowner, one of the most important things that you can do is to routinely update your home in order to increase its overall value. While there are several projects that can add value to a home, one of the most underrated options is installing carpeting. A new carpet can completely alter a home’s appearance and make it more attractive to your area’s top buyers.

However, to make sure you add as much value to your home as possible, it’s important that you target the right carpet types. Learn more about installing new carpet in your home and find out which carpet types are likely to add the most value to your home in the long-run.

Installing Carpet is a Matter of Cost

When installing a new carpet in your home, no matter the type, many homeowners are simply unprepared for the cost of the job. Although installing new carpeting is generally affordable, the total costs can rise with the size of your project. So, for example, installing a new carpet in a single room is much cheaper the carpeting your whole home.

Let’s look at some basic carpet installation costs to give you a better idea of what you might spend. Like all flooring projects, carpeting installation is done by the square foot, and your material cost per square foot can be between $1.50 to $8.77 per square foot. If you wanted to carpet a standard room of 120 square feet, you would most likely pay $183 to $1,053 for the carpet itself and a total of between $309.60 and $1,656.00 for the entire project.

When you’re planning on adding value to your home by installing carpet, try to think exactly how much you’re willing to spend on the project.


The top carpet option for adding value to your home is also one of the most popular carpeting options across the country: Wool. Installing wool carpeting is a great choice for almost too many reasons to count, but, primarily, wool can add value to your home because of its durability, performance and feel underfoot.

Wool carpeting is one of the softest carpets that you can hope for, even more than synthetic, and is an absolute pleasure to walk on. In addition, wool is very durable, often lasting years without need replacement.


When home buyers are examining the carpet in a home, they want to know that they won’t be facing a replacement anytime soon, which is why the next carpet you should consider for your house is olefin. There are a number of different ways that olefin can add value to your home. However, the main benefits are durability and versatility.

Olefin, for starters, is extremely long lasting, holding up to everyday stresses better than almost any other type of carpeting. Secondly, olefin is flexible, and can be used for both indoor and outdoor applications. When you can tell a prospective buyer that you’ve installed olefin in your home, you’ll be more likely to get the type of offer you need.

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If you’re installing new carpet to add value to your home, cost is one of the primary factors that you should consider. When you want a carpeting to add value to your home but don’t want to pay too high of a cost, one of your best options is nylon carpeting. Nylon is one of the most cost effective carpeting options that there is, often costing much less than other options with the same level of performance.

Additionally, nylon is one of the most resilient types of carpeting that there is, and can stand up to different stresses like moisture, dirt and color fading.

Install New Carpeting in Your Home

When it comes time to sell your home, you want to do everything that you can to raise your home’s value to its highest possible level. As we have seen, one of the best solutions for adding value to your home is installing new carpet. If you install new carpeting in your home, you’ll be able to attract top level home buyers that you may have not had access to otherwise, ensuring that you get the return on investment that you deserve.


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