Common Myths about HVAC Systems
HVAC systems can be very complicated and are sometimes hard to understand unless you’re an expert. Because of this, it’s not surprising that there are a lot of myths about how an HVAC system works or what it can do. Some of these myths come from a simple misunderstanding about how an HVAC system works, and some of them make no sense at all. If you’re thinking about installing an HVAC system in your New York home, or are just interested in how they work, then keep reading to find out some common HVAC system myths.
“Closing Vents Saves Money”
Saving on energy is a main concern for any home or business owner, which is where our first myth comes from. A common HVAC system myth is that by closing off the vents in unused rooms you will save money. While this sounds good in theory, the reality is that closing off vents can actually raise your energy costs.
An HVAC maintains a balanced air pressure so that it can effectively move air around your home. When you block off a vent, you throw off the air pressure balance and cause the system to work harder, meaning it uses more energy to regulate your home’s temperature. So, if you want to save money while using your HVAC system, consider lowering the temperature instead of closing off vents.
“The Higher the Thermostat, the Faster the Home Heats”
Sometimes a myth can seem like common sense, which is why it gains traction at all. Our next common HVAC system myth falls into this category. The myth is that the higher you turn up your thermostat, the faster your HVAC system will heat up your house. It’s easy to see how this myth came about because it seems like it should work. But, in fact, an HVAC system always delivers air at the same rate, meaning your house will get warmer but at the same speed as at a lower temperature. Instead, you should keep your thermostat at a more reasonable temperature and wait for your home to heat up normally.
“No Need for Regular Maintenance”
Because HVAC systems are so durable, many people believe that they do not require regular maintenance; so much so, in fact, that this is one of most common HVAC system myths. In reality, however, it is always a good idea to make sure that your HVAC system receives regular inspections and maintenance. While it may appear that there is nothing wrong with your system right now, it is very possible that there is a small, unseen issue that could turn into a very big problem later on. Regular maintenance ensures that any issue with your HVAC system or unit will be caught before it gets out of hand—saving you money in the long term.
Be Ready When There Is a Problem: ServiceWhale
Like most things in life, HVAC systems have a lot of myths surrounding their usage and functionality. But, fortunately, most of these myths are easily debunked in time to prevent serious problems. However, sometimes people don’t get corrected on these myths fast enough and their HVAC system malfunctions and requires service.
Fortunately, when your HVAC system runs into issues, ServiceWhale is here to help you find the professionals to get it fixed fast and affordably. Our customers in New York can use our simple yet powerful request wizard to find the best HVAC services, either for maintenance or repair. When you’re looking for the right people to work on your HVAC system, trust ServiceWhale to find them for you!
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