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Common Roofing Problems

Pennsylvania is a great state to live in, but it’s also a state that is notorious for experiencing all four seasons in the space of a week. When you have to face fall, winter, spring and summer conditions all in the space of a few days, your roof can take a real beating. Here are some of the most common roofing problems in Pennsylvania, and how a ServiceWhale professional roofer can help you fix them.

Common Roofing Problems in Pennsylvania

The roofing issues faced by Pennsylvania homeowners aren’t much different than those in other states, but our environmental conditions make them in some ways more likely. The most common roofing problems in Pennsylvania include:

  • Flashing Damage
  • Shingle Damage
  • Gutter Damage
  • Water Damage
  • Structural Damage

Flashing Damage

Flashing is designed to keep water from damaging the underlying building materials of your roof, and wind as well as general wear and tear can pull it away, warp it or otherwise damage the material. A qualified roofer like those from ServiceWhale can identify and address problems with flashing and get them cleared up quickly and easily.

Shingle Damage

Most roofs are made up of shingles, whether they’re made of metal, slate or asphalt. Shingles decay and age with time and exposure to the elements, and need to be replaced. There are a number of options available for those needing shingle replacement, and you’ll want to review those options with your roofer to choose the best one for your home.

Gutter Damage

Wind, debris, rain, ice and even animals can cause damage to your gutters and downspouts. This in turn can result in structural damage to your home overall as runoff becomes a major issue. You can help to mitigate this problem in your Pennsylvania gutters by taking the time to clean them out every spring—just make sure you’re safely secured and tethered to avoid accidents. When damage does occur, a qualified ServiceWhale roofer can help.

Water Damage

You can have a leak in your roof and not even know it. A leak doesn’t have to be the result of a rotted roof—it can be something as small as a nail that’s come out, leaving a tiny hole for water to get in. This water can then cause the underlying wood to rot, or the leak to become worse, leading to further structural damage. Having your roof inspected by a qualified ServiceWhale roofer every few years can help to spot those leaks before they get too bad.

Structural Damage

From broken sunroofs to rotted wood, severe structural damage requires major repairs. You should never attempt to deal with structural issues on your PA home alone. Always call a qualified roofer for help addressing such issues.

When the time comes to have a roofer look at your home, read about the easy process we have in place, and reach out for the very best: your ServiceWhale roofer.


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