Fall to Winter: Strategies to Transition Your HVAC System
Now that it seems as if fall is already drawing to a close, you might be wondering how you should prepare your home for the winter weather. Snow, ice and brisk winds can be hard on your home, especially the systems that work hard to keep your space warm in this weather. HVAC system transition from fall to winter temperatures is important for protecting your home from the cold. Here are some tips on starting this process.
Caring for Your Outdoor Units
“Leaves as far as the eye can see” is probably something you think every time you step out of your house — we know we do. While the fall leaves are beautiful, especially that they are all different colors of the rainbow, they can find their way into your outdoor HVAC system units and wreak havoc.
During your HVAC system transition from fall to winter, consider cleaning these systems out. With a good cleaning, debris won’t damage the motor of a system, like your AC unit, for example.
For proper drainage and improved efficiency, see about raising your outdoor heat pump above the anticipated snowfall levels. Stone blocks underneath the unit should do the trick, keeping the coils away from the ground. If you have plants around your unit, cut them back to a safe distance. However, don’t remove them entirely, as they can act as a windbreak for this system.
Taking Preventative Measures
To eliminate the unknown, have your professional ServiceWhale contractor run a full inspection on your HVAC systems. They will be able to rule out any potential issues you might run into when you are using your heater on a consistent basis this winter. You could protect your home, and your wallet, from costly damage.
You can also ask this contractor to clean your duct system in and out. This, like changing your filters, will allow for the ventilation system to do what it does best. Your home’s heating efficiency and air quality will increase while your utility bills decrease.
Transitioning from Warm to Cool
During those awkward weeks between fall and winter, where the weather can’t seem to make up its mind, consider giving your HVAC system a break. Switching back and forth from hot to cold can put a strain on some HVAC systems, especially if they are being run all day without a break. Let your system run for a few minutes, then open a window or throw on an extra layer to make yourself comfortable.
Not only will this give you a nice, low utility bill for the month, it could help your HVAC system transition into the winter weather. You are keeping the system’s ventilation clean by running it for a few minutes every day, but you aren’t having to worry yourself with switching between the heater and AC.
When the weather cools off enough to consistently use the heater, try putting the temperature a little lower this year. Sixty-eight degrees and above is suggested for keeping your home safe and warm against the chilly winter winds. With good insulation and seals on your doors and windows, 68 degrees could comfortable for you and your family throughout the season while keeping energy costs low.
Are you in the process of completing an HVAC system transition in preparation for the Philadelphia winter? If so, visit our website at ServiceWhale today to contact us for more information on finding the contractor you need.
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