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Featured Homeowner: Samantha Hibbard Describes Her Recent Experience Using ServiceWhale

It’s always wonderful to hear from our homeowners and our featured homeowner, Samantha Hibbard, was no exception. Samantha graciously shared her thoughts with us about ServiceWhale and the level of customer service she received.

ServiceWhale: What was the issue you were having that prompted you to search for a home improvement contractor?

Samantha Hibbard: My water heater was on its way out so we wanted to get a new one before it was too late.

SW: It’s always a smart idea to get ahead of these things rather than wait until it’s “too late”. How did you hear about ServiceWhale?

SH: I found ServiceWhale when I was doing a search on the Internet for a contractor to do my water heater.

SW: Did you find ServiceWhale easy to use?

SH: Oh yes, ServiceWhale was very easy to use and very helpful.

SW: What did you like most about ServiceWhale?

SH: The customer service was the best I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing. They would respond right away and work quickly with the contractor.

SW: Were you happy with the price that you were quoted on ServiceWhale?

SH: The price of the hot water heater and the installation was unbeatable. I paid $600 for everything!

SW: That’s terrific! Is there anything else that you would like to share regarding your hot water heater, the contractor or ServiceWhale?

SH: I got a top of the line 50 gallon hot water heater. I thought it was too good to be true. But the guy at ServiceWhale told me I would only pay $600, nothing more. When the contractor left I ended up paying $632 with tax which I was fine with. I figured there would be tax, no biggie. But I got a check yesterday in the mail refunding my $32 I paid in tax. I was really impressed with that! ServiceWhale is an honest company with amazing customer service.

SW: Would you consider using our service again in the future? Would you recommend ServiceWhale to others?

SH: 100% yes. I have been recommending you guys to everyone. I’m pretty proud of the deal I got with ServiceWhale.

SW: Thank you Samantha, for your time and many kind words. It was a pleasure to learn about your experience using ServiceWhale.
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