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Four Factors That Can Endanger Your Roof

Roof damage is a huge problem, especially in an area of the country that experiences extremes of weather from frigid winters with high, icy winds to hot, dry summers following rainy springtime. There are tons of things that can contribute to damaging your roof, and controlling these factors goes a long way towards limiting the need for a complete replacement. Read about the four most common factors that can result in Pennsylvania roof damage, and how a ServiceWhale roofer can help restore your home.

Pennsylvania Roof Damage – Poor Maintenance

One of the biggest and leading causes of Pennsylvania roof damage is poor basic maintenance. Many homeowners just let their roof go once it’s in place, never (or rarely) taking the time to check it out for issues. It’s vital that you take the time to inspect your roof for problems or damage and make repairs as needed. Roofs with little to no slope are at higher danger for damage from standing water or the elements, but all roofs might need a replacement shingle here and there.

Wind Wear and Tear

Let’s face it: there are times when Pennsylvania gets hit with some pretty severe winds. These winds can really do a number on your roof; they can loosen nails as well as lift and shift shingles, and the damage can build over time until you end up with major problems. Even blowing debris hitting your roof can knock shingles loose. Again, the best way to mitigate this is to check your roof after a major wind event and make necessary repairs. If you’re not comfortable with doing so, a professional roofer from ServiceWhale is ready to help.

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Damage from the Elements

Besides wind, there are other natural elements that can beat up your roof. Snow, ice, hail and even driving rain can beat down on your roofing materials, causing them to shift loose, crack, break or otherwise suffer damage. You want to be sure that your roof supports are sturdy and strong and that you have the right slope on your roof to shake off water. Also be sure to check out your roof a few times every year to make sure that everything is still solid.

Flashing Issues

People all-too-often ignore their flashing when checking their roof, which is a big mistake since flashing exists to keep your roof and the rest of your house bonded in a watertight way. If your flashing is loose or unsecured, you can develop leaks which can cause internal damage to your home’s structure. Usually when flashing problems exist, it’s because of issues with installation or design. Keep your eyes on flashing, and if you notice issues, call a professional roofer.

When you notice problems with your Philadelphia roof, you want only the best in reliable and friendly service. The professionals at ServiceWhale are ready to help you find the very best roofer for your home improvement needs. Check out how easy our service is to use, and then get in touch with us to get started today!



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