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Green is the Way to Go

In January of this year, the Home Improvement Research Institute (HIRI) performed a study which determined that 80 percent of contractors and homeowners engage in conversations about energy efficiency. While homeowners are usually concerned with how much money they can save on their utility bills, contractors are considering how they can make other aspects of the project “green” as well.

Here at ServiceWhale, we like to take things a step further. By offering online services, eco-friendly construction contractors and ways to save time and money, ServiceWhale is proud to promote energy efficiency.

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Online Services

When you are looking to have work done, you might have anywhere from three to five, maybe even more, contractors come out to your house. Let’s say that you have four come to your house to give you estimates. That’s four different cars traveling that distance back-and-forth, which is four roundtrips worth of gas. That’s four periods of time where emissions are being poured into the atmosphere. It can even waste water too, as that’s four vehicles which need to be washed often. It’s also four vehicles that need commercial parking spaces and, well, you get the idea.

At ServiceWhale, all of our estimates are done online. You can avoid having those four cars on the road, all while getting estimates from the comfort of your computer chair. Additionally, you can receive even more than four estimates, depending on your project. You will have the ability to review these estimates all at once, so that you are able to determine the right contractor for the job with ease.

Eco-Friendly Construction

By eco-friendly construction, we mean hiring contractors that will be able to offer you energy-saving solutions. That can include installing appliances with more energy efficiency, cleaning out a system so that it can run properly without wasting energy and so much more. At ServiceWhale, we choose contractors that can and will offer you these services, so that you can save on your utility bills and help the environment at the same time.

Saving Time and Money

We know that saving time and money isn’t exactly what some may consider eco-friendly, but we think that it is. Because in order to save time and money, you first have to have a system which would allow for you to do so. Online systems are what make the whole process eco-friendly, as they cut down on time spent in a vehicle, and they can save paper. ServiceWhale is one of those systems.

Because our website is so easy to use, you can save time by making just a few clicks. There’s no more sifting through a plethora of websites, most of which are scams. You can just go to our website and use our project wizard to simply describe the work you need done. Instantly, several estimates will pop up. A task that would have taken you days can now take you only a few minutes. By doing so, you won’t have to miss work to meet a contractor, and you can pick a contractor that will work with your budget, which saves you money, as well. For more information on receiving custom quotes, please visit our website.


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