Heating and Cooling System: What to Look for When Buying a New Home
When you buy a new home, there are so many things to keep track of and check into. Many people, unfortunately, overlook the HVAC system in this overall checkup, being concerned merely that it’s working. Failing to check a few things, however, can lead to problems down the line. Learn what to look for in a heating and cooling system when buying a New York home, and how a ServiceWhale HVAC technician can help.
New Home Heating and Cooling
When you buy a new home, heating and cooling should be one of the more important things you check. HVAC equipment can be a huge hidden cost in home ownership, with a new unit costing a few thousand dollars or even as high as $12,000 or more. Make sure you consider the right things when you examine your new home’s heating and AC system.
Inspect the Unit
Look over both the furnace and the AC unit. Check for decay, rust, water marks and discoloration. Check for odd odors and listen for noises in the works. Make sure that it kicks on smoothly when triggered and runs strong with good airflow coming out of the vents. It also never hurts to have a professional technician like those available through ServiceWhale look over the unit.
Ask the Age
Air conditioners are rated for 10 years of life, and furnaces for 15 to 20. If the system in your home is older than that, it may be in need of replacement, though regular maintenance can greatly extend this life. Ask the current owner for any maintenance records they have as well as the unit age. If the unit is in need of replacement, you may be able to negotiate these costs in the purchase of the New York home.
Check Insulation and Seals
Make sure that you check the home’s insulation. The better insulated the home is, the less work the HVAC system will need to do to keep it warm in the winter and cool in the summer. This will greatly reduce wear and tear on the system, and can increase its lifespan as a result.
The insulation in a New York home doesn’t just refer to the stuff in the walls and attic, either. Check the seals on the windows and doors to ensure that there aren’t air leaks that could cause draughts. You can do this by moving a lit candle or stick of incense around the windows and doors, watching for the smoke and flame to remain steady and not blow around.
Your HVAC system is as much of an investment as your home. When the time comes to have your New York home’s furnace checked out, call the professionals at ServiceWhale. Read about how we remove the stress from the process of finding a technician, and give us a call to get started today.
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