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How to Choose the Right Company for HOA Painting Jobs

Homeowners associations (HOAs) are known to like everything done a certain way, and paint jobs are no exception. Though HOA paint jobs are likely to recur every few years or so and keep up with painting trends, they have to stay consistent in order to make sure everything maintains the desired look and feel of the neighborhood or subdivisions. Keeping with tradition is key, and everything must be precise, as painting also protects the HOA’s assets while enhancing the living experience for members. Here are some tips to consider when choosing the right company or contractor for your HOA painting jobs.

Compare Estimates

 As with any contracted job, it’s tempting to simply select the least expensive option for your recurring HOA painting jobs; however, not every quote is presented the same way. Though you’ll be presented with instant, customized quotes from ServiceWhale, HOA painting jobs are not rush orders. Take your time comparing the differences between each company’s estimates. Here are some factors that make a difference:


  • Services: Different contractors will have different services included in the cost they present. A particularly low estimate may not include everything you need covered; conversely, a high estimate may include extraneous services that you don’t need.
  • Materials: You likely already have materials in mind, but the costs of paints vary greatly. There are a wide variety of paints in terms of quality and price. Do some research into what materials they are each proposing to use, and see which is the best option.
  • Experience: The ServiceWhale instant quote platform gives you access to real customer reviews and ratings—which company has consistently gotten the best ones? Companies may also list specialized training their employees have received, as well as years of experience. Take all of this into consideration, especially for those on the higher end of your budget—they may just be worth it.
  • Problem Areas: Some quotes may be slightly higher because they anticipate issues the contractor may have to deal with, such as peeling paint.


Ask Questions About the Contractor

 Once you’ve decided you’ll likely higher a company for your ongoing HOA painting jobs, it’s likely you’ll need to build a rapport with them so they always know exactly what your expectations are. It’s a good idea to invite them to an important board meeting so that they get a sense of the values of the association. You can also ask more specific questions about their experience—perhaps they have worked on HOA painting jobs before, giving them valuable insight into what it is you need.

as you know...
Each contractor on ServiceWhale is licensed and pre-screened so you can rest assured that you're always getting a great deal from a great contractor.

Establish Regular Consultations

 Through ServiceWhale, you can schedule follow-up appointments with your painting contractor as often as you’d like. We would recommend having them check in on the HOA property at least once a year. When choosing an established company or contractor, look at their clientele—have they established long lasting customer relationships? That’s the kind of company you’re looking for to manage your HOA painting jobs. Get started with ServiceWhale today.


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