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How to Make Your Carpet Last Longer

Carpeting is generally expected to last about seven years or so. It can be a royal pain to replace it—having to move all your furniture out of the room, tearing it up, scraping up glue and padding. Still, flooring is one of the most popular means of renovating homes in the springtime home remodeling season. We’ve all been there—nobody wants to face the strain or cost of having a professional flooring contractor tear out and replace your carpet. There are things you can do to increase carpet lifespan, though. Learn these easy steps you can take to make that carpet last longer.

No Shoes = Increase Carpet Lifespan

This is a basic rule of carpet protection: nobody wears shoes in the house. You want to keep as much dirt outside the home as possible, so your family, your guests, anyone who comes to visit should leave their shoes at the front door. As an added bonus, going barefoot can be a very Zen way to live life! Increase carpet lifespan by taking off those shoes, and your next ServiceWhale call can be for something more important, like restoring hardwood floors!


Run the Vacuum

Does this seem like a no-brainer? The truth is, many people just get lazy or forego vacuuming. The more often you vacuum your carpet, the cleaner and better it will be. You know that it picks up the big particles, hair clumps and dust, but you’d be amazed at how many invisible and tiny particulates foul your carpet that a vacuum can help get rid of. Vacuum often, and be very thorough.


Spot Cleaning Saves Carpets

Even stain-resistant carpets are going to get spots and spills. Stain resistance just means that they’re going to be easy to clean; it doesn’t mean that a spill will just disappear. Spot clean your carpet regularly—even carpets that are treated against stains can develop them if you’re not on top of cleaning up those spills!


Rearrange the Room

Did you know that moving your furniture around periodically can protect and extend the life of your carpet? It’s true! Not only will semi-regular rearranging of your room protect your carpet, but it’ll give your home a fresh and vital feel and energy that will just bring new life to the place.

as you know...
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Professional Cleaning

Hiring professional cleaners on a regular basis can be a boon to keeping your carpet healthy for a long time to come. Even if you spot clean and vacuum regularly, logging on to a site like ServiceWhale to find the best local cleaners can be fast, easy and fun, and allow you to make the most out of that beautiful carpet.

If you’re ready to get the very best in top-rated local contractors for your home improvement project, we’re ready to step up and help. Check out these incredible local home remodeling deals, and then try our fast and fun service today!



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