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How to Make Your Small Bathroom Look Huge

Let’s face it: nobody has a bathroom that’s as large as they’d like it. We all would love a gigantic bathroom with a beautiful claw-foot tub in the middle and an open shower taking up one wall. Most of us, however, have much smaller bathrooms that never seem large enough. Even when the time comes to renovate, there may simply not be a means by which you can enlarge the room. That’s why it’s vital to be able to maximize the space you have. Here are some tips for bathroom renovations that will make your small Pennsylvania bathroom look huge, and how ServiceWhale can help.

Bathroom Renovations Color Scheme

Choosing the right color scheme for your PA bathroom renovations and keeping it standardized is a key factor in making the room look bigger. Don’t have one color on one wall and a completely different one on another. The striking contrast might be stylish, but it will also make the room look small. Stick with a similar tone or color value throughout the room. If you want to add color, do it with furniture or accessories.

Open Up the Bath

Get rid of the bulky bathtub and replace it with a large shower surrounded in glass. This shows off the entire room, and gives you lots of space to relax in the shower. Curtains and textured glass enclosures ensure privacy, but they also act as walls that close off the space and make the room look and feel more claustrophobic. Your ServiceWhale contractor can help you with design ideas in this area.

Add Mirrors

Mirrors are key to making a small room look larger. If you really want to add depth and dimension to your Pennsylvania powder room, hang mirrors. The more and higher you have, the larger the room will be.

Keep it Neutral

Neutral colors are the best. Stick with white or very light earth tones. Small rooms are not conducive to fancy or complex patterns, which can be dizzying to observe and draw the eye in, creating the illusion of less space in a room that is already too small. Keep all of your patterns very simple and your colors light and airy. The room will be more comfortable and feel larger as a result.

Clear the Clutter

After your ServiceWhale contractor is done with the renovation, keeping your Pennsylvania bathroom looking large is on you—you have to be ruthless when it comes to keeping it clean and clear of clutter. Make sure that you keep every inch of space open and available. Store towels, linens and spare supplies in a hall closet, not in the bathroom. The less clutter, the larger the room will look.

Are you ready to start on your gorgeous PA bathroom renovation? If so, ServiceWhale is here to help. Take some time to read about who we are and how we work, and get in touch with us for more information or to get started on your dream project today.


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