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How to Makeover Your Philadelphia Home with Paint

Making over your Philadelphia home every few years can make your living space feeling fresh and new. Costs can add up, however, when you’re constantly renovating. So, if you want to give your Philadelphia home a new lease on life, but are a little low on funds, focusing on painting is a great option for giving your home a new look with low cost. Read on to discover how to makeover your Philadelphia home with paint.

Paint the Outside

When you want to transform the look of your home with paint, consider adding a fresh coat to both the inside and the outside. Exterior painting is generally a much bigger job than painting a couple of rooms, but you’ll be surprised how different your house looks with a new color on the outside. A new look for your house’s exterior can make it feel like you’re coming home to a completely new house.

Should you decide to paint the outside of your house, there are a few things you need to take in to consideration. While your primary concern is probably going to be picking your home’s new color, you also need to be conscious of the environment you’ll be painting in your house. In Philadelphia we get a lot of intense weather through almost all the seasons of the year, which means you should look into weather resistant paints when giving the exterior of your Philadelphia home an overhaul.

Also, when choosing your color, you should keep in mind how well it will fit in with the other houses in your neighborhood. After all, no one wants to have the home that sticks out like a sore thumb.

Know What You Want On the Inside

When picking out colors and themes for painting the inside of your Philadelphia home, it’s important to know exactly what you want out of the makeover. Do you want your home to feel more vibrant? More elegant? Answers to questions like these will help you decide exactly what kind of paint you should be purchasing.

If you want your home to have a fresh, energetic feel after the end of the makeover, then you should be looking at bright, pastel-type colors. Choosing a bright color scheme can add a dose of energy to your home that wasn’t there before.

For a more refined, classy look for your home, consider using either darker colors or slightly subdued hues. Using these kinds of colors can imbue your home with a sense of elegance at a much cheaper cost than expensive fixtures or pieces of furniture can.

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Paint Smaller

Some people want to give their home a new look but don’t have the energy or time to undertake a big painting project. If you’re one of these, consider re-painting pieces of furniture—like bookshelves—to give your home a quick, easy makeover. Repainted furniture can make it feel like you’ve added completely new pieces, and can give your home a new look.

Find the Right Services

Everyone wants to give their home a makeover every so often to keep it looking like new, but full renovations can be expensive. Fortunately, all you need to makeover your Philadelphia home is a little paint. If you’re looking to makeover your home with paint and need some professional advice or to find the right home painters, ServiceWhale is the company for you. ServiceWhale is dedicated to connecting our customers with the right professionals in their area for every home need. By using our request wizard, you make sure that your seeing the best of the best professionals to help your home makeover go smoothly.


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