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How to Save Money on Your Bathroom Remodel

This morning, when you were in the bathroom, did you look around and think, “Ugh, this looks like it was built in the 70s?” If so, you’re not alone. There’s a reason why bathroom remodels are so popular. You spend a lot of time in there—and you want it to be modern and comfortable as well as just have a good, relaxing vibe. The problem is, bathroom remodels can be expensive, so where do you start? Read up on a number of ways you can save money on your bathroom remodeling job, including finding the best local renovation professionals.

Bathroom Remodeling

There are tons of ways to save money on bathroom remodeling. In fact, you can even save money after your remodeling job by going green with your new options, installing eco-friendly lighting and energy fixtures. The place to start is with a great local home improvement contractor, like those available through ServiceWhale. These specialists will be able to consult on all your options to find the most cost-effective ways to create a stunning and modern bathroom.


Keep the Footprint

The first thing you can do to save money on your bathroom renovation is to leave the footprint as it is. That means don’t move the plumbing—leave the toilet, sink and tub right where they are. You might be able to make some small adjustments like changing the facing, but moving plumbing is one of the most expensive things you can do. Leave well enough alone so far as that’s concerned.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

Find ways to reuse existing materials. Hit up local antique stores, garage sales, flea markets and contractor surplus yards. Find things you can repurpose in your bathroom. An old vanity can be spruced up and turned into a really sharp sink that has a lot of class and style! Using remnants like slabs of broken marble or granite, cut to size, for counters and shelving can go a long way at a serious savings.

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A Fresh Coat of Paint

Refacing can be a great way to save cash. Instead of changing your fixtures, try changing the color. You can have a bathtub re-enameled in a new color rather than tearing it out and putting in a new tub. You can paint the walls and ceiling. Try putting a brass faucet into your old sink instead of the old aluminum one. You’d be amazed how a few basic touch-ups can completely renew the room.


Finding the Right Contractor

Finding the right contractor is the single best way to save money from the start of your project. Fortunately, ServiceWhale makes that really easy. Just by answering a few questions you can get offers from all the best local home improvement professionals delivered right to your in-box. It’s as fast, easy and fun as buying a new pair of shoes, and allows you to save money from start to finish!

If you’re ready to launch into your new renovation project, don’t wait! Check out some amazing local deals, and get started on ServiceWhale today!


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