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Indicators that It’s Time to Replace Your Carpet


Everyone faces it at some point in time. That carpet that you loved when you first got it suddenly looks pretty dingy, and you’re wondering if the time might be right to take the plunge and get a new one. People get attached to their carpet. It feels like home and serves you very well. Here are five signs that you might want to replace your PA carpet, and how Service Whale can help you take care of it.


Have you noticed you’ve got stains you can’t remove? Are you using throw rugs and furniture to cover them up to avoid the embarrassment of other people seeing them? Do you spend a lot of time agonizing over new ways you might be able to get those stubborn marks out? When the carpet starts carrying stains, it might be time to pull them up and replace them.

Basic Wear and Tear

Every carpet wears down over time. If it’s not as plush as it once was, if it’s got holes or tears in it, or if it’s starting to get matted, think about replacing it. When you notice areas that are worn down, or it feels like you’re walking on bare wood instead of cushioning, it’s time to pick up that rug and get a new carpet in your PA home.


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People walk all over your carpet all the time, every day. They walk on it with dirty shoes from outside. Your pets run through the house with muddy paws and after using the litter box. Eventually, the carpet starts to carry the smells of soiling, and no matter what you do to clean it, the smell won’t come up. Time to get a new carpet from a Service Whale contractor!


Have you noticed that allergies in your home have gotten worse? If the sneezing, runny nose, watery and itchy eyes and difficulty breathing that come along with allergies don’t seem to let up no matter how you try to maintain the air quality at home, it could be because your carpet is just housing so many allergens that even with your best efforts you can’t get them out. A new carpet can go a long way towards reducing allergens in the home and keeping you breathing easy.

Replace Your Carpet – Old Design

The best indicator of needing a new carpet is pretty basic: how long has it been since you replaced yours? If it’s still a shag carpet from the 1970s, you really should think about getting something more modern in your PA home. A Service Whale contractor can help you update that stone age design and get you something stunning and new that will give your home a new life.

Carpets have a life of about ten years. Most people don’t replace their carpet as often as they should. If you might be ready to take the plunge in your Pennsylvania house, read up on how Service Whale works and get in touch with us for more information today.



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