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Is Your Heating System Making You Sick?

Across the country we’re right in the middle of cold and flu season. Relief will hopefully come soon as spring rolls in, but cold and flu season can last until May some years, so it’s important to remain vigilant. Trying to avoid getting sick can be a difficult task this time of year, and many people consider their home as a safe haven from the illnesses that are floating around everywhere. What many people might not realize, however, is that it’s possible that their heating system is contributing to their winter ailments. Learn about a few reasons why your heating system is making you sick and how proper HVAC maintenance can help.

Turn Down the Temperature

One of the biggest advantages of living in modern times is being able to escape indoors, to be safe from the harsh conditions we’re often subject to during the winter months. Although it’s nice to have a sanctuary from the cold, it can also be a drawback during cold and flu season. All sorts of germs and viruses thrive in the warmth, which means that your toasty home is the perfect environment for these diseases to grow in when the outside weather is less than hospitable. Instead of cranking up your heat when the thermostat drops, consider using a blanket instead. Keeping your home a little cooler will impede the growth and survival of the germs that cause winter time colds and flus, helping to keep your family health throughout the winter.

HVAC Maintenance to Prevent Germs

An HVAC system works by circulating air throughout your home to maintain a constant temperature. While this functioning can be a huge benefit when the system is working effectively, any problems can cause the air in your home to become stagnant, making it a lot easier for mold and germs to take hold in your heating system. The last thing you want is for your HVAC system to be circulating contaminated air, which is why regular HVAC maintenance goes a long way to make sure that you and your family make it through cold and flu season unscathed. When your HVAC system is working properly, it moves air through its various filters, removing dirt, debris and germs from the air in your home.

On the subject of filters, it is also crucial to make sure you are regularly cleaning your filters—about once every three months or so. Due to constant use, it is very easy for your HVAC system’s filters to become dirty, which reduces air flow and increases the likelihood of mold and germ build up. HVAC maintenance and changing your filters go a long way towards keeping your heating system from making you sick.

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Find Heating and Cooling Professionals

Almost everybody’s main goal for the winter is to make it to the end without getting sick. Cold and flu season can be brutal, and it can be made even more so if you’re unknowingly allowing your heating system to make you sick. Fortunately, it’s easy to make your heating system to work for your benefit, and if you need HVAC maintenance to lower the risk of germs, then choose ServiceWhale to help you find the best heating and cooling professional. ServiceWhale’s request wizard can help you to locate expert HVAC professionals to make sure your system is running cleanly.


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