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Prevent Mold and Mildew in Your NYC Bathroom

As New Yorkers, we all know how frustrating keeping our bathrooms clean can be. Often these spaces are more prone than others to become breeding grounds for mold and mildew; there’s more moisture present than in other rooms, and New York bathrooms can be quite small! Still, when you put so much effort into making the most out of your city-living bathroom space, you know how important upkeep is. Here are some of the best ways to prevent mold and mildew in your New York City bathroom.

Re-Paint Your Bathroom Walls

Keeping walls painted is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of mold and mildew in your bathroom. Materials used in interior spaces, like drywall and plaster, tend to trap moisture over time, often leading to the buildup of mold or mildew. Paint helps to seal these materials to keep moisture only on the outside and thus prevent mold and mildew. You can’t keep your bathroom completely moisture-free, but you can try and keep that moisture out of you walls!

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If you’re thinking it’s the right time for a fresh coat of paint in your bathroom, keep in mind that it might also be time to update the feel of your room with a color change. ServiceWhale can provide you with instant quotes for painting services based on price, contractor rating and location. Combat mold and mildew while upgrading your digs at the same time—that’s some New York sensibility!

Have Your Plumbing Inspected Regularly

If you own your apartment in the city and therefore do not have the advantage of a superintendent to take care of maintenance concerns, checking in regularly with the state of your plumbing is especially vital. There may be a larger issue in the building that hasn’t yet affected your apartment—why not prevent possible issues in your apartment before you’ve even seen them? Undetected leaks may lead to a buildup of mold or mildew in your bathroom down the road. Your ServiceWhale plumbing contractor can perform a thorough inspection of your New York home in order to ensure that a leak is fixed before you even know it’s a problem and help prevent mold and mildew.

Inspect Your HVAC System for Leaks

Leaks from your HVAC system can easily go undetected as well, causing further growth mold and mildew in your NYC bathroom. Fortunately, ServiceWhale can provide you with quotes for licensed HVAC technicians to inspect that everything in your apartment is in good shape. These technicians know exactly where to look to find leaks you may not notice otherwise.

As you can see, the most important thing to combat possible mold and mildew building up in your New York bathroom is to have all systems inspected regularly—at least once per year. While it’s easy to forget these preventative measures, they are crucial to keeping your home in top shape.

Ready to get started preventing mold and mildew in your NYC apartment? Read about how our quoting system works and get started with a contractor as soon as possible.


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