Questions to Ask Your Roofing Contractor About Ice Dam Repairs
We all know how brutal Philadelphia winters are. When it isn’t sleeting, it’s snowing. When it’s not snowing, it’s hailing. Luckily, staying indoors allows us to avoid most, if not all, of this weather. Your roof is not so lucky. It takes the brunt of all that nature throws at it. Usually, it does so spectacularly. However, poor maintenance can cause major damage in the long run.
One issue you may face is an ice dam. These can cause water to seep into your roof, leading to rot and other issues. Even so, many homeowners aren’t too familiar with these phenomena. Here are some questions to ask your ServiceWhale contractor about ice dam repairs.
What Causes Ice Dams?
Ice dams are caused by laws of thermodynamics. To put it simply: When it snows, precipitation gathers on top of your roof. The warm air from your home moves upward, causing that snow to melt. It seeps down your roof to the ledge and the eaves, where it refreezes as ice due to warm air not reaching it anymore. As more snow accumulates, it insulates the roof. This traps warm air in the attic, causing more and more snow to melt and refreeze.
How Can I Prevent Ice Dams from Forming?
The easiest way to keep ice dams from damaging your roof is to insulate your attic. A ServiceWhale contractor can ensure the heat from your home is not escaping into the attic, causing the snow to melt. In addition, a ridge vent system and continuous air and insulation barrier can keep ice from forming on the edge of your roof.
You may think you can save money by simply taking care of the snow and ice as it accumulates. While this may solve the issue, it can end up being more costly in the long run. You could damage your gutter system or your roof while trying to hammer away at the ice. In addition, slippery conditions could lead to serious injuries. Instead, leave it to the professionals to perform ice dam repairs and prevention.
What Are Some Common Signs of Ice Dam Damage?
Damage caused by ice dams can be difficult to notice at first. After all, your roof is designed to prevent water from coming in. So even when it is compromised, water may still travel slowly. One of the first signs is the distinct smell of mold and mildew as moisture gets trapped in the roof and walls. You may also notice peeling paint and wet spots on the ceilings. These typically show up long after the ice dam is gone, but they are sure signs you need a ServiceWhale contractor to examine your home.
How Much Do Ice Dam Repairs Cost?
This is a tricky question to give a simple answer for. The true answer lies in the extent of the damage and the materials you want used. The simplest repairs involve replacing asphalt shingles. Unfortunately, this is almost never the extent of the damage done by ice dams. More often than not, you will need parts of the wooden deck and other under layers replaced as well. This, in addition to a whole host of other factors, can drastically affect the cost of roof repairs.
The best way to deal with ice dams before they cause severe damage to your roof system is to have a Philadelphia-area contractor inspect your home sooner rather than later. They can identify any potential problems and ensure you are ready for the winter. If you need a roof and home inspection done to prevent the need for ice dam repairs, use our online form and find a contractor in just minutes!
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