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Removing Wallpaper the Right Way

There are many reasons why you might want to remove your wallpaper. Perhaps you’re bored with the design and want an update. Then again, perhaps you’re looking to resell your home and are trying to make some adjustments to the property. Regardless of the reason, sometimes you just need a change—though removing wallpaper is not quite so simple. By that same token, it’s not that difficult either. The trick is handling your wallpaper removal the right way to prevent walling issues later on down the line.

This short guide to removing wallpaper in your home should help you figure out how best to handle your individualized project.


Hire a ServiceWhale Contractor

If you’re serious about your wallpaper removal and want the job handled quickly, efficiently and at a great price for you and your budget, it would make sense to get in touch with ServiceWhale. Our contractors are trained to accomplish a whole variety of home improvement tasks, from laying down new flooring to maintaining your roof, and we offer a number of professionals who are ready to tackle your wallpaper project. Only this way can you be sure that you’re getting the job done according to the highest standards.


Identify What Kind of Wall You Have

You can also choose to handle the issue yourself, though ServiceWhale does not recommend this method. It just requires a bit more technical knowledge than the average homeowner might possess.

For one, if you’re going to personally take care of your wallpaper removal, you need to identify exactly what kind of wall you have. Typically, your home will be one of two types: plaster and drywall. Plaster homes tend to be much older while your drywall homes will be relatively newer constructions. Knowing this will give you a better idea how difficult removing your wallpaper is going to be.

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Strippable Wallpaper is Easy

In your newer homes, the wallpaper will tend to be strippable, meaning that after paring up a corner of the paper with a utility knife, you should be able to pull it all down at an angle. You still have to be very careful, though, and you should pay especially close attention as you’re stripping away the wallpaper. If it’s tough to peel off or leaves any adhesive residue, you may want to stop and call a ServiceWhale professional.


Use Softened Paste

Another classic method to removing wallpaper is to apply standard wallpaper paste and scrape it all away. Permanently damaging your wall or flooring is very easy when dealing with paste, so this might be a job you would want to leave up to ServiceWhale. Otherwise, you’ll have to carefully add warm water to your paste and spread it evenly over the wallpaper. After letting it sit for a little while, use a scraper to clean up the wallpaper.


Any More Questions about Removing Wallpaper?

These are the simplest methods by which to tackle your wallpaper removal safely and efficiently. However, it ultimately may serve you better in the long run to get in touch with a representative at ServiceWhale and learn more about how we can better streamline the process for you.




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