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Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Water Heater in NYC

You’re showering, cooking dinner or just relaxing in your home when the hot water suddenly vanishes, you hear a pop or hissing sound, and you realize your heater has just blown. Nobody wants this to happen in their New York home, and if you wait till it blows, you could be looking at thousands of dollars in damage. Here are four signs that it’s time to replace your water heater in NYC, and why a ServiceWhale contractor can do it right.

It’s Ancient

Water heaters aren’t built to last forever. The very fact that they are metal tanks that hold water speaks to that. If your water heater is a decade or more old, even if it’s still working like a champ, you may want to consider having a ServiceWhale contractor come in and take a look at it. It’s much better to be safe than sorry, and an old heater can go without warning.

If you’re not sure how to check your heater’s age, take a look at the serial number for a date code, or ask your contractor to take a look.

Rust in the Water

Have you noticed that the hot water comes out brown or with rust in it? Even if it clears up after a few seconds, this can be a bad sign. If there’s been recent work on the mains in your neighborhood, it might be nothing to worry about, but what if it’s random? It could mean there’s interior rust in your water heater. Rust is a sign that the heater could go in your NYC home at any time. Call a contractor, and get it examined and replaced!

Noise in the Works

Have you noticed rattling, rumbling, banging or other noises in your NYC pipes that weren’t there before? The noise could be coming from your water heater. Over time, sediment will build up in the tank and harden, creating these noises and reducing the overall efficiency of your water heater.

This will not only cost you more in energy as the heater has to work harder, but it puts more strain on the equipment, which will eventually lead to failure. A ServiceWhale technician can advise as to whether you need a replacement heater.

Little (or Big) Pools of Water

Is there dampness, moisture or even puddles of water around your water heater? This is a definite emergency sign that it’s time to get that New York City water heater swapped out. Your tank seals have probably cracked or ruptured, and they could go explosively at any time, flooding your basement.

If you’re noticing signs that the water heater in your New York City home might be about to go, don’t wait. The last thing you need is a flood in your basement that could cost thousands to clean up! Call ServiceWhale and take advantage of our easy and cost-saving solutions to get your water heater changed today.



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