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Signs of a Drainage Problem, Part I

For this series of blogs, we will be examining the signs that could indicate your home or place of business may have a drainage problem. This first installment of “Signs of a Drainage Problem” will focus on the exterior and foundation of your home.

Drainage problems can lead to water damage, which is why it is important to check for these signs. To protect your home, consider having your gutters, basement and attic inspected by a ServiceWhale contractor for signs of a potential drainage problem.

Around Your Home’s Exterior

If your gutters have not been cleaned in some time, it is possible that leaves and other debris could be blocking the pathway which carries the rainwater away from your home. In doing so, a miniature waterfall could erupt off the side of your gutter. While this sounds like it would be exciting, the results can be seriously damaging.

When rain consistently runs vertically down the side of the house, it can cause water damage to your siding. Additionally, it can ruin the paint on the exterior of your home and lead to structural damage, as water is being dumped into the ground that is adjacent to your home. If you see vertical streaks of dirt, deteriorating paint or splatters of mud on the side of your house, these could be signs of a drainage problem.

Down in the Basement

Downspouts can also result in water damage if they are not properly disposing of rainwater runoff. If your basement floods during heavy rains, or you have water damage on the walls, this could be a sign that your downspouts aren’t working effectively. Have your ServiceWhale contractor ensure that your yard slopes enough away from your home to lessen the potential for water damage to your basement and foundation.

Cracks in your foundation can be concerning, but keep in mind that many of these cracks can be harmless. When concrete is poured, it can crack, but it doesn’t penetrate through the foundation. These kinds of cracks can be patched with caulk. However, if you notice that the cracks are growing, this could be a sign of a drainage problem that is affecting your foundation.

Up in the Attic

You may not have thought to look in your attic for water damage, but this space can actually be a helpful indicator when trying to determine if your house has drainage problems. Mildew in your attic can occur from moisture rising from the basement. When this happens, this moisture can become trapped in the underside of the roof, causing the mildew. Even further, this moisture can damage and ruin your roof.

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Because moisture is rising from the lower parts of your house, this could let you know that there is a more serious drainage issue occurring in or around the basement. In order to rectify the issue in its entirety, you would have to have both the attic and the basement inspected to locate the source of the problem.

Have you noticed any of these signs of a drainage problem in your house? If so, find your Philadelphia contractor through ServiceWhale, to have any potential water damage addressed in an efficient manner.


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