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Signs of a Drainage Problem, Part II

In the first of this series of blogs, we discussed how you could check for signs of a drainage problem on the exterior of your home, as well as in the basement and attic. For this second blog, we wanted to continue that discussion and explain how your yard could indicate an underlying draining issue. Looking your landscape, there are a few indicators that could be signs of a drainage problem, which should be addressed by your ServiceWhale contractor.

Large Puddles

Lakes forming on your lawn can be a sign that you have a drainage issue. Okay, lakes might be an exaggeration, but when large puddles of water begin collecting on your lawn during heavy rain, you might have a problem. When gutters and downspouts don’t properly dispose of rain run-off, it could end up being dumped into your yard.

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While you may not think this is a big deal, downspouts were designed to direct rainwater away from your house. When this doesn’t happen, if the water is close enough, it can seep into the ground near your home and ruin your foundation.

Dips in the Ground

When gutters spill out water off to the sides, as opposed to draining properly, it could cause dips to form in the soil that surrounds your house. This is because when the water hits the ground, it is forcing the soil to relocate. Oftentimes, this soil will splash back onto your siding, or it will disperse elsewhere on your property. These could be the signs of a drainage issue.

Again, while you may not think that a little mud would hurt anyone, this type of water displacement could cause damage to your home’s siding, basement and even the foundation. The best thing to do is to call your ServiceWhale contractor to come out and inspect your gutter system. By rectifying the issue at the source, rainwater will properly move away from the home, preventing further damage from happening.

Moving Soil

In addition to dips forming in the ground, soil can disperse to other parts of your landscape as the rainwater is moving it. After rain, if you find soil on your patio or splashed up against outdoor furniture, this could be an indicator that you have a drainage issue. Not only can this affect the foundation and structure of your home, but it can damage your landscape to the point where you will have to have it professionally fixed.

Mulch, leaves, twigs and other debris can also be carried away by this rainwater, creating a mess in your yard every time that it rains. More often than not, gutters just need to be cleaned out to avoid this issue. Sometimes the downspout might have to be adjusted, which can be a more involved process.

If you have discovered these signs of a drainage problem in your yard, it is best to use out simple form to find a local Philadelphia contractor. They will be able to identify the root of the issue and help you prevent further water damage to your home.


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