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Simple Bathroom Renovations for Your NYC Condo

Many people dream of remodeling the bathroom in their NYC condo but let it go for years because they think it’s just too difficult, painful and expensive to tackle. Instead, they suffer with a bathroom that’s not what they what, which may feel outdated or too cramped. This doesn’t have to be the case. There are easy ways to give your bathroom a great facelift. Here are some great tips for you and your ServiceWhale contractor to perform stunning but easy bathroom renovations for your NYC condo.

Bathroom Renovation: Reface over Replace

One of the cheapest options out there for your NYC condo bathroom renovations is this: work with your ServiceWhale contractor to reface it rather than replace it. This means if something still works fine, you can refinish it rather than replacing it outright, giving it a fresh, new look often at a significant cost savings.

This is a prime way to take care of minor cosmetic issues—wainscot pre-fab boards to cover dings and holes in the wall and refinishing your tub to cover a yellowed enamel are great examples. These won’t last forever, but they’ll be a quick and inexpensive way to give the room a new look.

Pre-Fab vs. Tiling

Pre-fab materials are gaining popularity over the traditional tiling. The latest technologies and developments have created pre-fab materials that look a lot like real tiles but require very little maintenance and are much easier to keep clean and looking good. Pre-fabricated units can easily give your entire NYC condo bathtub or shower area a fresh, new look.

Don’t Move Plumbing

This is the key to saving tons of money on your bathroom renovations. You may not like where the toilet and sink are situated, but moving your plumbing costs a lot of time, effort and money. It requires tearing up floors and walls—and not necessarily just in the bathroom. If you can live with your plumbing where it is, do so. Your ServiceWhale contractor may be able to offer other solutions for changing the way things are situated without changing the pipes in the walls.

Install a New Toilet

“Wait a minute,” you’re saying. “I thought this was easy remodeling tips?” Have no fear: replacing your toilet is a deceptively simple and inexpensive job, and it can make your entire bathroom look and feel different as well as increase your water efficiency and save you money on utilities as a result! Your ServiceWhale New York contractor will be able to provide you with a number of options for toilet replacements that are budget conscious, look good and are very efficient.

There are a lot of great reasons why you should consider ServiceWhale for your NYC condo bathroom remodeling project. Hiring a professional means you get the best quality work, guaranteed and no unpleasant surprises. Best of all, ServiceWhale believes in keeping it simple from start to finish. Get in touch with us today for an appointment or answers to any questions you have.



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