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The Best Flooring Options for Families with Kids

There is one thing that all families with kids know: kids are tough on floors. Kids make messes and run around the house and just generally leave a path of destruction in their wake. So, when you’re looking at choosing flooring for your home (and you have kids), you want to make a choice that both looks great and also is strong enough to hold up to the everyday stresses that children can place on a floor. Keep reading to find out the best flooring options for families with kids.


Kids are naturally super active, and they’ll take that energy out on your home’s floors. Because of this, you want to pick a flooring option that is resistant to a wide range of damage, from scuffs and scratches to spilled liquid. One of the best flooring options for families with kids that is resistant to most damage is tile flooring. Whether you choose ceramic or porcelain tiles, you’ll be getting a flooring option that is hard to leave a dent in. Another great advantage of tile flooring is that it is super easy to clean, meaning any messes your kids make will be gone in a flash.

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For a very long time, laminate flooring was considered a poor choice for families with kids, mainly because early versions were not durable and had a tendency to come unstuck. Now, however, laminate has become one of the best flooring options for families with kids because of its affordability, low maintenance and increased toughness.

Unlike its predecessors, current forms of laminate flooring are great at standing up to the intense day to day use that comes with having children in the home. What’s also great about laminate flooring is that it is typically very quick and easy to install, meaning you and your family won’t have to manage around your flooring being installed for too long.


One of the biggest concerns that many people have when searching for a flooring option that will hold up is that they might have to sacrifice style or warmth in favor of durability. Bamboo flooring is one of the best flooring options for families with kids because it has a great balance between looking great and being strong enough to withstand the everyday use that children will put it through. Bamboo flooring is actually one of the most durable flooring options on the market and is great for homes that have high levels of foot traffic, like you might experience with active kids. And, like the laminate flooring option already discussed, bamboo flooring is incredibly quick and easy to install, making it a wonderful choice for busy families.

Installing Your New Floor

Families with kids can have a tough time picking the exact right flooring option for their home. Among the biggest needs are flooring options that will both look good and be tough enough to last years to come. Fortunately, there are a number of flooring options that are great for families with children. When your family has picked the right flooring option for you, let ServiceWhale help you find the professionals that can install your new home quickly and affordably. ServiceWhale’s request wizard is the perfect tool to make sure your family is always finding the best services in Pennsylvania.


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