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The Lifespan of Different Roofing Materials

You’re in the middle of planning your next home project, and you want to make sure you do a good job. Maybe you are replacing your roof, or you are building a separate structure away from your house such as a garden shed. Now you have to decide what your new roof will be made of. Many customers who do their homework (that is, research their home improvement projects) select roofing materials that are made to last the longest. ServiceWhale has you covered with any of these quality materials.

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By far the most popular roofing material in the United States is the asphalt shingle. There are two different kinds of asphalt shingle, both boasting different lifespans. 3-tab varieties tend to live 15-18 years, and architectural shingles can last a bit longer up to 30 years. (ServiceWhale’s best products can last even longer at 50!) Asphalt shingles do better in the cold than in areas of continued heat, such as the South where they lose a couple of years or more due to the weather.


If you are going to choose wood, make sure it’s cedar since it’s the best choice out of all wood materials. As a whole, wood materials for your roof last on average around 15 to 30 years. Still, it might be a little difficult to give an exact estimate since wood is so easily affected by its cut quality and the weather, even down to how much sunshine it will receive. Regardless, cedar will serve you best.


Are you drawn to the natural appeal of slate? Not only does it look aesthetically pleasing, but it requires very little maintenance, given that you’ve installed it properly. Slate tends to slide if its infrastructure isn’t giving the proper support. If it stays put, slate itself can last anywhere from 45 to 75 years. Some of the pricier options will last longer than a human life at a staggering 150 years!


Shingles may be the most common roofing material at the moment, but metal roofs are receiving the greatest increase of popularity among its peers. They might require a bit of maintenance due to rust that builds over time, but metal roofs can last up to 100 years. Not only that, but metal is resistant to fire damage, bugs and rot that you might find with other roofing materials. With time, you’ll notice your building’s energy efficiency become more proficient, thanks to your metal roof.

Think you’ve decided on what roofing material works best for your project? Consider utilizing ServiceWhale’s service tool. With it, you can detail the kind of job you need down to the pitch of your roof, the area or dimensions of your building, a calculated roof size, what kind of materials you’ll want to use and so on in order to give yourself a rough estimate of how much the job will cost. If you’d rather deal with someone in person, you can always call us at 866-977-3897 or chat with us online at our homepage.


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