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The Most Common HVAC Problems in NYC

A well-functioning HVAC system—heating, venting and air conditioning—is of the utmost importance in keeping your family comfortable through every season of the year. Here in New York city, extreme weather is not out of the norm, and having your HVAC system go out or perform below peak when the temperature is either too hot or too cold is one of the most frustrating experiences you can have. Here are some of the most common HVAC problems you might run into if you’re living in New York City.

Drainage Problems

Living in a city with millions of people and thousands of vehicles comes with some drawbacks. Dirt, for example, is easy to build up and hard to remove. And dirt can be a big issue for your HVAC system, particularly the drain lines. Keeping your drain lines cleans so that excess moisture can drain is one of the most important things in making sure that your HVAC system continues to run smoothly, but this can be tough in a large city like New York. Regular checks to make sure your drain lines stay clear are of the utmost importance.

Air Filters

In the same way that your drain lines may become blocked by the debris that comes with living in the city, your air filters can also experience extreme build-up of air particles. The combined smoke, exhaust, and dirt that is part of living in a city like New York can really add up on your HVAC system’s air filters, and when the filters become too dirty, then you get a massive reduction of air flow to and from the unit.

When this air flow is reduced enough, it is possible for your HVAC unit to freeze, which can cause it to shut down completely. Frequent checks of your air filters, as well as changing them when they get clogged, will ensure that your system remains functional throughout the year.

Iced Up Coils

As residents of New York know, winter can be one of the harshest times of the year. And for as hard as it can be on people, the cold weather can take a toll on your HVAC system as well. Because of the nature of HVAC systems, it can be completely normal for a small amount of ice or frost to be present on the coil during the winter time, but it becomes a serious problem if the ice continues to build up. Your coil may become blocked and prevent your system from properly transferring heat when enough ice is present, which can cause your system to ice up even more. If ignored, ice build-up in your HVAC unit can reach a point where irreparable damage is caused and your unit will need total replacement.

Keeping your HVAC system functioning properly through the cold winter months in New York City is key in keeping you and your family comfortable and safe. But HVAC systems can run into problems, and when those problem arise, ServiceWhale can help.

If your HVAC system goes out, or isn’t performing to level that you need it to, then try our easy to use request wizard to find certified, inexpensive HVAC maintenance services. Whatever problem your HVAC system is having, ServiceWhale can help you find someone to solve it.



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