The Pros and Cons of Painting Brick Surfaces
Brick surfaces are a classic look for both the interior and exterior of homes, but they lack the flash that many homeowners now desire. When you finally get tired of the same old, same old red-brick look, you may consider painting the brick surfaces on the inside and outside of your home. Unlike traditional painting projects, however, painting brick surfaces can be a very in-depth and complicated process that many homeowners aren’t ready for. While painting brick can end up looking fantastic, it can easily turn into a disaster if you’re unprepared. Here are the pros and cons of painting the brick surfaces of your New York home.
As it is usually a much longer, more difficult job, let’s start with the outside brick surfaces of your New York home. The biggest advantage of painting the brick exterior of your home is definitely the look. Since painted brick exteriors are so rare, your home will really stand out from those around it. However, this is really where the advantages end. Painting brick surfaces, especially on the outside of a home, require a monumental amount of preparation work that many people are simply unprepared for. Because types of bricks vary so widely, you have to know exactly what kind of brick you are working with so that you can properly clean and cover it, a process that allows the paint to go on smoothly.
You must also make sure that your bricks are undamaged and free of mold and mildew because they will continue to grow underneath your paint if they are not properly removed, costing you much more money in the long run.
Similar to outside brick surfaces, painting the brick surfaces of your New York home on the interior—such as with a fireplace—can really give your home a fresh, unique look. Painting a traditional brick fireplace with a lighter color can really brighten up a room and turn a drab look into something really exciting. Preparing the brick surfaces on the inside of your home is generally way less labor intensive and expensive than the prep work needed for the outside.
As far as the cons of painting your interior brick surfaces go, the biggest drawback is that you have to be sure that you’re going to be comfortable with the color you’ve picked for a very long time. Because of the nature of brick, paint tends to be absorbed into the brick, meaning it is almost impossible to remove the paint completely. Additionally, painting brick is often very time consuming and requires a lot of skill that many people don’t have. But as long as you’re aware of these issues and are OK with them, then painting your interior brick surfaces can be a great way to makeover your home.
Leave It to the Experts
Many people looking to give their home a fresh, creative look consider painting their brick surfaces. While painting the brick surfaces of your New York home can look great, there are often many drawbacks that can be intimidating. Therefore, when you want to paint your home’s brick surfaces, it’s usually best to consult a professional, and ServiceWhale is ready to help you find the best painting experts that New York has to offer. ServiceWhale’s request wizard will put you in touch with the most skilled, affordable painters working today who can completely transform the brick surfaces in your home.
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