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Three Things to Look for in Your Carpet Installation Contractor

When outfitting your new home or updating an old one, installing fresh carpeting can often be the right move for you and your budget. Putting down new carpet, however, can be a tricky endeavor and should not be undertaken without the help of a trained ServiceWhale carpet installation contractor.

At the same time, we can understand why anyone would be apprehensive trusting someone they’ve never met before. Your carpet is a very important job, and you need to know what to look for in a carpet installation contractor so that you’re making the right choice. You should specifically look at the following three requirements to ensure you’re getting a reliable candidate for your next flooring project.


Does Your Carpet Installation Contractor Have an Updated License?

This could potentially become a major issue. After all, if your carpet installation contractor doesn’t have an up-to-date license, they have no business taking care of your flooring. When doing independent research, however, it can be difficult finding out whether or not contractors are professionally licensed, or even if they have recent insurance information! Often this necessitates an uncomfortable conversation with potential contractors.

It’s much easier to know that your contractor is legally qualified to work on your carpet installation. ServiceWhale prescreens all of our contractors to safeguard against this. Never again would you have to worry about shady and uncertain contractors.


How Experienced Is Your Carpet Installation Contractor?

Just being licensed isn’t enough to ensure that your carpet installation contractor is right for you. At the end of the day, you need someone experienced in carpet installation to handle your next home improvement project. Judging a contractor’s experience can be a little complicated, however. Anyone can throw out an arbitrary number and claim work. You will need a little more assurances than that.

When ServiceWhale checks for updated licensing and insurance information, we also check their experience and past work samples to get a better idea how qualified these contractors are to handle the jobs you may set before them. Only with that additional oversight can you make sure you’re getting the absolute best.

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Does Your Carpet Installation Contractor Have Credentials?

Good credentials in today’s age can mean a lot of different things. Traditionally speaking, you would want to see a list of references from the recent past who can attest to the contractor’s skills. It also works to see how well received they are online. Reviews and ratings can say a lot about how a specific contractor works.

ServiceWhale understands this and makes sure to provide you with all relevant information pertaining to each and every contractor. This includes a full profile with customer ratings and reviews so that you can see what other people have to say about them.


Contact a ServiceWhale Carpet Installation Contractor Today!

If you want to move forward on your next flooring project and want to meet a variety of local area carpet installation contractors, or if you would just like to learn more about the process, feel free to reach out to a ServiceWhale representative today to see how we can help you.


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