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Tips To Minimize Hardwood Flooring Costs

Does your Philadelphia home have hardwood that is worn out and in need of replacement? Maybe you are thinking of replacing your existing flooring with hardwood. If you are, then you know that hardwood flooring can be expensive. That doesn’t mean you are without options. Here are some tips for minimizing the costs of the purchase of your hardwood floors as well as ways to minimize the maintenance costs once you have them installed.

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Be a Comparative Shopper

Do you know what kind of wood you would like your new floor to be made out of? If you don’t, then take some time to compare the prices of the different types of wood that are out there. Different types of hardwood offer benefits and drawbacks. Once you find the type that best fits your needs look at many different vendors for the hardwood. Give it a few weeks after you make your decision to see if any of the stores put your hardwood on sale. By waiting a few weeks you could save thousands of dollars.

DIY Parts of the Project

While a contractor’s expertise might be needed for the install, why not take the time to remove the old flooring yourself? You can also remove the baseboard trim yourself and either install the new baseboards on your own or put the old ones back if they match your new floor.

Lay Ground Rules for Your New Floors

Once your new floors are installed, they are going to see wear. Floors are there to be walked on. There are ways that you can minimize the wear that your floor will see. Here are some ideas for “new floor ground rules” that can extend the life of your floor and increase time between maintenance cycles.

  • Enforce a no shoes policy. This is particularly effective in high traffic areas.
  • Use area rugs in high traffic areas or where water and snow from the outside might be tracked in during bad weather.
  • Wipe up spills immediately so they don’t have time to settle into the wood and weaken the structure of the materials.
  • Keep your floors clear of dirt and debris that can cause small scratches and reduce the gloss of the finish.
  • Keep pets off hardwood floors as best you can. Limit playing and running on the hardwood to keep sharp claws from scratching and tearing up the floors.

The better care you take of your hardwood, the longer they will last you.

Multiple Contractor Bids

Choosing the right contractor for the installation job is just as important as choosing the right hardwood. Take time to speak to several different contractors and get bids from all of the ones that seem capable of handling the job. Not willing to let contractors in your Philadelphia home? Then give Servicewhale a chance to find a contractor for you! They can get you quality bids without ever having a contractor enter your home.


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