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Travertine: Stone Flooring that Ages Beautifully

Natural stone flooring, for many reasons, is a popular choice among homeowners seeking to improve their home’s appearance. Because there are such a wide variety of stone flooring options, it can be difficult to find the right pick for your home. While it isn’t as well-known as traditional choices, like concrete, a great option for natural stone flooring is travertine.

If you’ve never heard of travertine before, or you’re simply having trouble deciding if it’s the right choice for you, then you should learn more about this excellent flooring option. Learn about the distinct advantages offered by travertine, and find out why it makes a great choice if you want stone flooring in your home.

Travertine Offers a Unique Style

The coloring of travertine flooring is directly related to its iron content—the higher the content, the darker a given piece of travertine will be. What this means in terms of the flooring in your home, is that travertine provides you with a wide variety of natural coloring that you’ll be hard pressed to find in another stone flooring material.

Typically, travertine flooring comes in lighter colors, such as tan or gold. However, if you choose a travertine with a high iron content, you can get a dark red color that looks fantastic in almost any setting. Different coloring options make travertine one of the most versatile stone flooring options available.

Pick a Floor that Looks Great Year After Year

The main reason that homeowners choose travertine flooring is its distinctive rustic appearance. When you install travertine, you’re getting a rugged style that adds a classic flair to your flooring that you’ll enjoy for years to come, particularly because travertine flooring only looks better as it ages.

Thanks to its already weathered appearance, when travertine ages, it only adds to its durable style. When other flooring options are starting to fade, travertine stays looking great, making it a great choice if you value longevity in your flooring.

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Install Quickly and Easily

Homeowners who are planning to update their flooring are often concerned with how long their project might take and how big of a disruption it will be to their lives. If you’re concerned with the ease and timeframe of your planned flooring installation, there is almost no better stone flooring choice than travertine.

The biggest benefit you’ll get from travertine flooring is a quick and easy installation. Often, installing travertine in your home can take as little as a day or two, although this depends on the total size of your flooring job. For a flooring installation that is both simple and takes very little time, one of your best stone flooring options is travertine.

Select Travertine Flooring for Your Home

Choosing a natural stone flooring means getting a durable flooring choice that provides a great deal of utility while looking great. Although there are a lot of stone flooring types you could choose from, travertine is the option that gives you the benefits that you deserve.

Install travertine flooring in your home and you’ll be getting a natural stone flooring that offers you a wide range of coloring choices, looks better with age and is extremely easy to install.


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