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What to Do If Your Basement Is Flooded

Water damage in your home can be very expensive—and not to mention stressful. Flooding can cause damage to your home’s foundation and ruin property. There are many things you can do to prevent water damage, but sometimes you home just can’t stand up against the elements.

Coming home to a flooded basement may immediately incite panic, but it’s important to stay calm. No matter how much water you find in your basement, however—even if it’s just moisture—you should take care of the situation immediately in order to prevent further damage. Here are some steps to follow when you come home to find your basement flooded.

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Call Your Insurance Company

 Before you do anything to start getting rid of the water itself, call your insurance company. Tell them your plans for taking care of the situation. You will likely also have to take photos of the damage to make sure it gets covered by your plan.


Remove Everything

 Any electronics touched by water during flooding are likely doomed, but if it’s not that much water, you’re more likely to save them the more quickly you act to remove them from the situation. After you’ve moved electronics out of the area, disconnect the power if possible. This is especially important if the water level has risen above the outlets.

After you’ve removed all electronics, take out the furniture and move up the carpets. You may be able to salvage it depending on the level of damage after proper cleaning.


Get Rid of Water

 There are a few ways to start getting rid of water yourself, though your ServiceWhale contractor should be able to assist with this. Go into your flooded basement, and do it the old fashioned way: soak up the water with old towels and mops, using buckets to collect it. Pour it into a drain if the sewers aren’t backed up in your neighborhood. If they are back up, pour excess water into your yard.

If you have a wet/dry vacuum, be very careful to plug it in far away from any water, and don’t use an extension cord. Since you’re dealing with electricity, it’s best to leave it up to your contractor at this point; they’ve likely seen worse and know how to deal with the situation safely and effectively.


Start Drying the Area

 As they are a pre-screened and always quick to act in dire situations such as a flooded basement, your ServiceWhale contractor should be on the scene in no time. However, as you wait, you can start drying the area yourself. Getting rid of moisture is the only way to prevent mold or mildew from spreading in your basement. Use fans and/or a dehumidifier to help you dry the area after you’ve mopped. Your water damage contractor will have all the necessary equipment to manage this as well.

 In case of a flooded basement, consult the ServiceWhale instant quote platform immediately to find the best contractor in your area to resolve the issue. Read about how it works now so that you’re ready to go in any situation.


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