When It’s Time to Replace Your Heating Unit
Every Pennsylvania homeowner’s worst nightmare is having their furnace go in the dead of winter. You fear the freezing temperatures and the waiting for days or weeks for a technician to be able to fit you into their schedule at the busiest time of year. This is why it’s so important to stay on top of your furnace maintenance and watch for signs that it might be time to repair or replace that unit. Here are a number of signs that tell you when it’s time to replace your heating unit, and how a ServiceWhale technician can help.
Replace Your Heating Unit – Age Issues
The biggest sign that you may want to replace your heating unit is its age. Many people don’t realize just how fast and sudden a heater can just stop working. One day it can seem fine and the next it just gives up the ghost. If your heat pump or AC unit is over ten years old, or your furnace or boiler more than 15, it’s time to swap it out for a new one. Another good sign is that you still have an old-fashioned dial thermostat. If you don’t even have a programmable thermostat, it’s likely your system is really old. Get in touch with a ServiceWhale technician for options.
Constant Repairs
Are you calling a tech to fix something in your unit every six months or every year? Have you replaced the heating element, motor and everything else in the guts, and things just keep going wrong? If so, it’s probably cheaper in the long run just to get a new heating unit for your Pennsylvania home.
High Energy Bills
As heaters get older, they tend to get a lot less efficient, even if they still seem to be running like a champ. Have you noticed that your utility bills in the winter are getting incredibly high and you can’t figure out why that might be? It could simply be that your heating unit isn’t putting out as much as it once did at the efficiency it used to. It may be time to get in touch with ServiceWhale to see about getting a new one.
Environmental Problems
Have you noticed a lot of humidity in your home? How about major dust problems? Is your furnace making grinding or knocking noises that are problematic for your day-to-day peace of mind? Environmental issues in your home can be a real sign of issues with your furnace or boiler, and it might be time to have a PA furnace technician visit to have a look.
If you need the best in furnace and heating system servicing, ServiceWhale is dedicated to a high quality, easy process that will get you repaired and running again with no troubles. Read about our company and get in touch with us for more information today.
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