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Which Electric Water Heater Brand is the Best?

When it comes time to replace the water heater in your home, you have a very difficult decision ahead of you. While you may assume that all water heaters are created equal, this actually couldn’t be further from the truth. Some water heaters offer maximum efficiency. Others prioritize providing a large supply of hot water whenever you need it.

Choosing the right water heater for your home is a matter of deciding what your family needs and which brand is likely to fit the bill. Here are few things to consider when buying a new water heater that will help you decide which electric water heater brand is right for you.


Things to Consider

When examining the different brands of electric water heaters that you could choose from, there are a few factors to consider before making a purchase. Some of the features you should consider before buying a new water include:


  • Efficiency: Appliances like water heaters take up a lot of energy, which means you want to make sure the model you get is very energy efficient. Energy Star ratings are usually not available on electric water heaters other than heat pumps, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look at the efficiency.
  • First Hour Recovery: First hour recovery refers to how many gallons can be heated per hour. This tells you how easily you’ll be able to keep the water at a temperature you like during peak hours of usage.
  • Advanced Features: Look for features like self-cleaning, high quality heating elements and quality anodes.
  • R-Value: This refers to how much heat the tank loses just sitting there. A higher R-value is better than a lower one.
  • Warranty: You want to make sure that the brand stands behind its products. Take a good look at the warranty and make sure it covers the water heater for a long time and reasonable types of failures.
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American Brands of Electric Water Heaters

When it comes to water heaters, there are a few brands that tend to dominate the US market. The most recognizable brands of American water heaters are Whirlpool, Marathon, AO Smith, Bradford White, Rheem, GE and American. Any of these brands will make a great choice for heating the water in your home.


Rheem – A Solid Brand with Good Options

One of the top brands that gets mentioned time and time again when it comes to residential hot water heaters is Rheem. Their Marathon brand is recognized as one of the best on the market, providing quality parts and a high R-value, in addition to a 12-year warranty. The dip tube, on Rheem water heaters is made of commercial grade materials that help to prevent sediment build up. Rheem also makes very efficient models, some of which are eligible for an energy tax credit.

Whirlpool – Consistent Performer

Whirlpool offers a wide range of hot water heaters in different sizes and with quality parts. While their warranties are not as long as Rheem’s, they still garner high reviews and can be easily bought at your local Lowes. A popular Whirlpool model that you should consider for your home is the E40R6-45, which offers a long track record of both quality performance and extreme reliability.


A Word about Heat Pumps

If you are looking for a more efficient option for heating your home’s water, you may want to consider heat pump technology. While a bit more expensive than GE models, AO Smith and Rheem have excellent heat pumps that offer extreme efficiency. They may be an alternative to the traditional tank style electric water heaters.

Buying a New Water Heater is Easy with the Right Information

Your water heater is one of the most important, often unnoticed pieces of equipment in your home. If you’re considering replacing your old water heater, it’s important that you do your research so that you get the right model for you. Buying a new water heater can be a simple and rewarding process when you target the right brands.


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