Entries Published On October, 2016
Causes of a Continuously Running Toilet
You hear that telltale noise coming from the bathroom, but you know that nobody has been in there for hours. Why is your toilet still running? While this isn’t cause for alarm, having a continuously running toilet can seriously run up your water bill.
How Much Does a New Water Heater Cost?
Due to the wide variety of water heaters available today, it can be hard for you to know which model is right for your home, both in terms of cost and performance. The water heater that you ultimately choose for your home will depend on several factors, including whether the heater runs on gas or …
How to Estimate the Cost of a Plumbing Project
Plumbing projects have a tendency to spring up out of nowhere. You don’t often see a leaky pipe or a broken garbage disposal coming ahead of time. That being said, you probably don’t have a budget set aside for emergency plumbing problems.
Effects of Hard Water on Your Home
Do you have hard water in your home? Although you may have heard the term before, few homeowners are actually aware what hard water is and what effects it can have on your home. If you suspect that your home might be experiencing hard water, it’s important that you find out for sure so that …
Which Electric Water Heater Brand is the Best?
When it comes time to replace the water heater in your home, you have a very difficult decision ahead of you. While you may assume that all water heaters are created equal, this actually couldn’t be further from the truth. Some water heaters offer maximum efficiency. Others prioritize providing a large supply of hot water …
Five Tips for Fixing a Clogged Drain
You have been waiting for a few minutes for the sink to drain but the water doesn’t seem to be moving. You know what that means: A clogged drain. While you may not know what is preventing the water from going down, you may be able to fix the drain with a little information and …
What Type of AC Unit Will Save You the Most Money?
Technology is a wonderful thing and it has come a long way since the invention of the air conditioner. Today, there are innovations that save the consumer money hand over fist, including variable speed fans and solar-powered capabilities. There are even some that you can control from your smartphone!
Air Conditioner Buying Guide: Choosing a Brand
As many as 86% of US homes are serviced by an air conditioning unit, and with ever advancing HVAC technology, the market is awash with options. Many of the field’s top models feature technological amenities such as smartphone compatibility, noise reducing fan blades and even solar power options.
Comparing Air Conditioning Filter Brands
Changing the air filter for your air conditioner is one of the most important things you can do for your HVAC system. Keeping your filter clear, and installing a new one every two months or so, will keep the air quality in your home high in your family breathing easy. However, if you’ve never changed …
How to Prepare Your HVAC for the Colder Months
Fall is upon us, and that can only mean one thing: Winter is right around the corner. As the nights go from comfortably cool to freezing cold, your HVAC system is going to be switching from providing cool air to providing heat.