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Which Flooring Materials Can Withstand a New York Winter?

Since your flooring is inside your house, few people stop to think that certain materials might be better for winter than others. The truth is, as your heater starts rocking in the winter, it can play havoc with your floors. Some flooring is better than others to get through those New York winter months. Here’s a look at the best flooring materials for your New York home, and how your ServiceWhale contractor can keep you going through the winter.

Tile Flooring Materials

Tile flooring, commonly available in porcelain and ceramic, are not only sturdy, durable and attractive, but they are excellent insulators and conductors. This means that they will pick up and hold the heat from your home without becoming brittle and breaking. Your ServiceWhale contractor can give you lots of options. Added bonus—they help to radiate the heat throughout the room!

Laminate Flooring

Laminate flooring is becoming exceptionally popular these days in New York homes. This is because it looks just like good old-fashioned hardwood at its best, but costs a lot less and requires less maintenance. It also holds up to your winter heating systems very well. Laminate material is made up of wood layers which are laid in opposite directions to create a more solid and stable surface than traditional hardwood. It will not expand or contract from moisture, dry air or temperature, all of which can become an issue in the winter.

Engineered Wood

Engineered wood is a mystery to many folks, who may not even have heard of the material. Produced in a similar method to laminate, it also creates a very stable material that doesn’t react to temperature and humidity changes. The top layer is solid wood, making this material somewhere between a laminate and a true hardwood.

Natural Stone

Whether you choose granite, sandstone or another type of natural stone material, stone flooring in your New York home is an excellent insulating material which will keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It does a great job of holding and conducting your heating system and providing insulation. This is especially true of radiant heating systems, which use warm water running beneath the floor.

What Not to Use

Vinyl flooring can be difficult to deal with during those cold New York winters. As your heater turns up, it can cause the vinyl to discolor or even swell, shrink, crack and peel. It is popular because it is inexpensive to install, but the expense comes later when you have to put in a new floor because the vinyl just hasn’t lasted.

If you’re ready to start on a great new flooring project for your New York home, don’t wait. For more information, answers to all your questions or to get started with an easy installation process, call ServiceWhale and get yourself a professional contractor today!



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