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Which Size Water Heater Is Best for Your Pennsylvania Home?

When the time comes to replace the water heater in your PA home, you may be tempted to simply buy the biggest one available. That’s not always the best way to go. You really want to make sure you get a water heater that’s going to be perfect for your needs. Too small, and you’ll run out of hot water. Too big, and you’ll pay in utility bills as the tank won’t be efficient enough for your house. Here are some guidelines a ServiceWhale contractor will use to determine the best size water heater for your PA home.

First Hour Rating

The First Hour Rating, or FHR of your Pennsylvania water heater, is the determination of how much water it will put out during the busiest hour of the day—usually that first hour of the morning when everyone is showering, brushing teeth, making coffee, etc. Check the EnergyGuide label on your tank to find out the rating, then multiply twelve plus one more than the number of people in your home to find the ideal rating.

Energy Factor

Energy efficiency is key to saving money on utilities. After determining the ideal FHR for your PA home, you’ll want to find out what the best Energy Factor, or EF, is for a tank with that FHR. Your ServiceWhale contractor can help you determine the Energy Factor rating you’ll need for your new tank.

Choosing the Type of Tank

The kind of tank you use is also an important factor in sizing the new heater. Will you be going with a tankless or on-demand heater? What about a traditional natural gas or electric water heater? Solar heating systems are now available, as are newer heat pump systems. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks, and different elements that go into the ideal size for a given house in Pennsylvania.

  • Tankless Heaters: Tankless and demand heaters require determination of flow rate and needed rise in temperature.
  • Solar Heater Systems: Solar heating systems require determining the total storage volume and area you will need to match your needs over several months. The process can be complex, and a ServiceWhale contractor can help.
  • Heat Pump Systems: Heat pump systems work much the same as traditional natural gas and electric systems, and are often a part of traditional systems.

Best Size Water Heater

Determining the best size water heater for your Pennsylvania home can be deceptively easy, or it can carry a number of hidden complications. In the end, securing the services of a qualified, expert plumbing contractor is the best way to ensure that your new water heater will be efficient while delivering all of the hot water you need when you need it.

If you’re ready to move on replacing your water heater, take some time to read about our process, who we are and what we do. Then, give ServiceWhale a call today for answers to all of your question


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