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Which Type of Flooring Is Best for Your Philadelphia Home?

So you’ve decided that this coming spring, you’re going to take on a major home improvement project: putting in some new flooring for your home in Eastern PA. Maybe your carpeting is looking worn and threadbare. Maybe you’ve always wanted a natural wood look. Possibly, it’s just time for something new and fresh. The big question is, which type of flooring is the best? The answer to that is subjective. Here’s a look at some different popular types of flooring material and how your ServiceWhale contractor can help pick the best for your Philadelphia home.


Hardwood is a classic flooring that never seems to go out of style. It comes in a wide range of prices depending on the kind of wood you use, with the engineered varieties ringing in at less than others. It looks great and can improve the value of your home on the resale market. It is also easy to clean and maintain. It works best in living rooms and low-traffic areas.

The down side is usually the expense to install it and the fact that it does not insulate well against neither temperature nor sound. You can, however, use area rugs to mitigate this somewhat.

Tile Flooring

Best for Philadelphia bathrooms and kitchens, tile is resilient and resists water damage. It’s great to stand against abuse and environment. It comes in an astounding variety of styles, shapes and sizes ranging from a buck a foot to over $20 a foot. You can find tile in everything from traditional ceramic to slate, marble, granite and other natural materials.

Laminate Flooring

Laminate is an inexpensive kind of flooring which nevertheless looks really sharp. It comes in a range of looks and can appear as tile or hardwood, or in a fancier, more whimsical pattern. It’s very inexpensive to install and resists scratching and damage.

Because it is not good at handling water damage, it’s not a great choice for kitchens, basements or bathrooms. Whether laminate is good for your Philadelphia home depends on a number of factors; ask your ServiceWhale contractor for their thoughts on the pros and cons.


Carpet is great for insulating your rooms against noise and temperature, for cushioning your feet as you walk, and at adding a fresh, homey feel to just about any room. The down side is that it wears out and holds stains, dirt and allergens.

Other Types of Flooring

Other types of flooring include vinyl, which is great against moisture and does a good job at insulating against noise. It’s ideal for bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms. Cork is also a great insulator because it is warm and soft as well as environmentally friendly. A qualified contractor from ServiceWhale can help you determine which one best suits what you want and need.

If you’re ready to install new flooring in your home, ServiceWhale is ready to help. Read about our easy process, and get in touch with us for more information today!


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