Why Winter is the Perfect Time to Paint Your Home’s Interior
As winter sets in, residents of Philadelphia are likely going to be spending much less time outdoors. Sure, there’s the trek to and from the car, and maybe from store to store around Rittenhouse Square on Saturday. But for the most part, now is the time we like to stay indoors, sitting by a fire and reading a good book — or watching the 76ers play.
With so much time spent indoors, it’s also a great time to put a new coat of paint on the walls! Whether you are tackling it yourself or hiring a ServiceWhale contractor to do the job for you, here are a few reasons why winter is the perfect time to paint your home’s interior.
It’s Cheaper
ServiceWhale painting contractors are typically booked during the summer. This, of course, is for good reason. It is much easier to paint the exterior of your home when it isn’t being bombarded with snow and ice. As you may remember from your economics class, with more demand comes higher prices.
Winter is the perfect time to paint your home’s interior because these contractors are usually under-booked. As such, they are often willing to offer a better deal on the job. And with ServiceWhale allowing you to compare bids from multiple contractors at once, you can really hit the jackpot when it comes to landing a sweet deal.
It’s Easier
Yes, you want to paint your home’s exterior when it is warm out. In addition to the weather, the sun is out for much longer during the summer. This gives you more time to paint — after all, painting in the dark is rarely a wise decision. If you focus your attention on the exterior in the summer, you have more time to save up for the interior paint job.
In addition, your ServiceWhale contractor won’t have to worry about what time the sun goes down. They will be working with the lighting in your home during the entire job. This allows for the job to be done much faster, and offers much more flexibility to meet your schedule. Having a professional paint your home instead of doing it yourself makes the process even faster.
The Weather Is Perfect
When you paint during the summer, you have to deal with humidity. It causes your paint to take longer to dry and, on those especially muggy days, could even cause your paint to run. What results is a long process that could cost more than you originally planned for.
Instead, painting in the winter means you have dry, cold air to cure the paint. By simply cracking the window in the room that has been painted, that same dryness that gives you a static shock makes drying paint a breeze.
When you consider your options, it becomes pretty clear why winter is the perfect time to paint your home’s interior. If you are ready to get started on your next paint job, let us help! ServiceWhale can help you find the perfect contractor to get the work done at the right price. Use our simple online form to get started with one of the top contractors in the Philadelphia area.
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