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Why You Should Fix Your Roof Before Selling Your Home

There’s no doubt that prepping your home for a sale can be a costly undertaking. You’ll likely put a fresh coat of paint on several rooms and maybe even rent a few pieces of furniture for staging. You might even go so far as doing an entire kitchen remodel before putting your house or condo on the market. Investing in your home’s appearance and function before attempting to sell it is good—it increases your home’s attractiveness to potential buyers, as well as its resale value, meaning you could make more when you sell it.

Should You Repair Your Roof Before Selling?

Simply put, yes: your roof is one factor that you shouldn’t ignore when prepping a house for sale. It may seem counterintuitive to put time and money into something that you won’t personally benefit from, but leaving such an expense up to the home’s future owner will more than likely detract buyers. People in the market to buy a house more often than not want to find somewhere to live that doesn’t require hefty maintenance right in the beginning. On the other hand, if you attempt selling your home without repairing a roof that’s in need of it, buyers will expect to pay less for it than a home with a properly functioning roof.

Additionally, it’s important to make sure that your house looks as good as possible before attempting to sell it. Visible water damage in the form of stains on the walls or ceiling is unattractive, and the same goes for missing shingles. Prepping a home for a sale should always include fixing a damaged roof, even replacing it in some cases.


Have an Expert Give You a Roofing Estimate

 While some roofs simply need a few shingles replaced or a new coating to be good as new, some have more issues and are in need of more immediate replacement. Replacing a roof entirely is a great way to increase your home’s resale value, but some don’t want to make quite so big an investment. How do you decide?

If you’ve been experiencing significant roofing problems, your decision should be easier. Depending on what type of roof you have, it’s pretty much time for a replacement if it’s near the end of its life expectancy and frequently leaking. One way to decide is to have a roofing expert check out your roofing situation. Having a few contractors evaluate the state of things when prepping a house for sale is never a bad idea; you’ll get a good sense of what buyers are more likely to expect and what they’d be willing to concede on.

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 If you’re thinking about selling your home but not sure if you need a full roof replacement or just a repair, a vetted ServiceWhale contractor can be onsite to help assess the situation in no time. Read about our process to help you find the best contractor for your roofing project.



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